Public sanitary facilities are crucial infrastructure necessary for the social well-being and practical operation of a functioning city. Human dignity is directly linked to access the safety and hygienic sanitation and this formed one of the strongest indicator of a near perfect city. The research focuses on assessing the adequacy and maintenance of sanitary facilities in Garki districts. Garki as one of the pioneer district in Abuja metropolis, has housed many public institutions like schools, churches, mosques, major shopping centres, motor parks, markets and recreational areas without a decent or functional sanitary facilities. Data for this research were obtained from field using reconnaissance survey, user satisfaction survey and the use of questionnaires. Findings revealed that public sanitary facilities in these institutions in Garki district are inadequate and substandard in some institutions while in others they are adequate but lack maintenance. In line with the finding, some existing ones are reserved for the VIPs. The research recommend that the authorities concerned should provide more toilet facilities and upgrade those presently available. There should be serious enlightenment to the public on the impending dangers of campaign about the effect of lack of safety and hygienic sanitation and the and also there should be an effective management of public sanitary facilities in FCC Abuja with specific reference to Garki district.
Public sanitary facilities are crucial infrastructure necessary for the social well-being and practical operation of a city. The provision of public sanitary facilities has implications for public and individual health, transportation, crime preventions, urban design, economic and cultural development and social equity. Public Conveniences i.e. Toilets, Bathrooms, Urinals and Comfort rooms are provided largely in public places and institutions. These places include Markets, Motor Parks, Religious institutions, Mosques, Churches, Filling stations, Hospitals, Airports, Sporting grounds, Schools etc. The right of citizenship access to appropriate public toilets emerged in the west with the rise of modernity.
Prior to the period of enlightenment in Britain, urinating, and defecating was a public act, taking place not only in fields and gardens, but also in the streets.