This research work is aimed at the effects of contribution of Agricultural production in local governments. The purpose is to determine the relationship between the level of productivity and growth of the Nigerian Economy, training and Agricultural production; discover the courses of high labour turnover in local government, determine whether the availability of training, agricultural production opportunities, motivation of staff of the Enugu North Local Government to enable them stick firmly to the service of the local government. In conducting the research the researchers used oral interview, questionnaires and personal observations to collect the necessary data required. Sample size of 123 of Enugu North Local Government Area, were studied. The data collected were statistically analyzed by the percentage, it was discovered interalia that training and Agricultural production opportunities motivate workers and reduce the rate of labour turnover, growth of the Nigerian Economy, training, development and production justify the high cost of implications associated with it, despite the fact that substantial number of local government employees have been trained; their performances are still not encouraging. Local Government should ensure that the agricultural production and training programmes are well structured and planned; equal opportunity for training and development should be given to every member of staff all levels. Local Government should create a good organization climate and learning system; chairmen should ensure that trainers’ recommendations on trainees are implemented; production and training programme should be supported with adequate job rotation and assignment. Agricultural production, training and practical should be structured to cover aspects of the local governments. Local Governments should ensure regular training for trainers to enable them update their knowledge and skill. Trainers should be well equipped with materials that are in uniformity with the present economic, social and technological environment. The researchers also recommend that local government should keep this research work and refer to it whenever a training and development programme is being designed. The idea of dumping research work in the archives without any meaningful use of them is ill concerned.
Title Page
Approval Page
List Of Table
Chapter I:
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Significant Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Scope Of The Study
1.7 Limitations Of The Study
1.8 Definitions Of Terms
Chapter II:
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Overview Of The Agricultural Production In Nigeria
2.2 Historical Background Of Nigerian Agriculture
2.3 The Role Of Agriculture In Economic Growth
2.4 Problems Of Agriculture In Nigeria
2.5 Agricultural Policies In Nigeria
2.6 The Period Of Structural Adjustment Programme
2.7 Summary Of Review
Chapter III:
3.0 Research Methods
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample Size And Sample Technique
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Method Of Data Collection
3.7 Validation And Reliability Of The Instrument
3.8 Method Of Data Analysis
3.9 Decision Rule
Chapter Iv:
4.0 Data Presentation And Analysis
4.1 Presentation And Analysis Of Data
Chapter V:
5.0 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations
5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestions For Further Studies
Chapter One of Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy Project Material starts from here.
These chapter deals with the following subheading: Background of the study, Statement of Problems, Purpose of the study, Significance of the study, Research questions, Scope of study, Limitation of the study and Definitions of terms.
1.1 Background of the Study
As men invented tools, weapons, clothing, shelter and language, the need for contribution, training, and growth became an essential ingredient in the match to civilization. Whether our ancestors invested these facts of civilization is relatively of little significant. What is more important is that man has the ability to practicalize and pass on to others that knowledge and skill gained.
This is done by deliberate example, by sign and words. Through these devices, the development process called contribution of agricultural production, was received by another successfully, we say that productivity took place when knowledge, skill and practical is being transferred.
One of the objectives of every organization should be to provide opportunities for its employees and optimize their performance in pursuit of the organizational goal. With this end in view, it may be profitable also to determine the contribution of agricultural production to the growth of the Nigerian economy.
When we consider contribution of agricultural production, training therefore, we are seeking instructional or experimental means to develop a person’s behavioural pattern in order to achieve a standard level of economic performance. Rising agricultural productivity therefore is an essential prerequisite for adequate performance in successful industrialization.
The importance of productivity to any organization whether public or private, has long been identified. Organizational object such as profit maximization, production and agricultural growth cannot be fulfilled without human beings, who co-ordinate these activities of the organization.
The undisputable reason’s why contribution of agricultural production; and training of employees should be a revolving undertaking is because of change posed by modern technology. Change take place minutes, hours, day etc. and the world is faced with an era of technological advancement that can make already acquired skill obsolete.
In Nigeria as in most developing countries agriculture is both the main traditional occupation and the key to sustained growth of the modern economy. It is a fact that economic growth and development has gone hand in hand with agriculture progress. Stagnation in agriculture is the principal explanation for poor economic performance, while rising agricultural productivity has been the most important prerequisite of successful industrialization.
The low rate of agricultural productivity in Nigeria, therefore, is responsible for our underdevelopment and inability to industrialize over the years. Agriculture contributes very immensely to the growth of the Nigerian economy and was the dominant production before the oil boom of the 1970s.
Statistics show that agricultural production contributed about 64.1 percent of the gross domestic product in 1960, compared to 1.2 percent from mining and 4.8 percent from manufacturing products respectively. From the peaks the share of agriculture to total production dropped precipitously to 28.1% in 1975 while those of other products particularly the crude oil gained rapidly. By 1980 the share of agricultural and manufacturing products relegated to the background.
As a result of the global oil glut in the early 1980s with its attendant economic consequences like a sharp decline in the revenue yield capacity of the government. Mounting national debts, poor foreign reserve, even evidence of successive deficit in the balance of trade and payments, there was a need to change policy direction. A lot of emphasis has been on the need to reactivate and stimulate activities in the agricultural production, various policy measures have been resorted to by various government in a bid to boost production.
They include:-
The National Accelerated Food Production Project (NAEPP) established in 1973. The Nigeria Agricultural and Co-operative Bank (NACB) also founded in April 1973. The River Basin Development Authorities (RBDAS) established in 1973. The Nigeria Agricultural and Co-operative Bank (NACB) also founded in April 1973. The River Basin Development Authorities (RBDAS), operation feed the Nation (OFN); Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS), The Green Revolution Programme (GRP) to mention but a few.
However, these measures are yet to boost and rekindle the importance of the agricultural production as the main stay of the economy. It is against this background that this study is undertaken production on the growth of the Nigeria economy.
1.2 Statement of Problem
With the general down turn in the nature economic fortune brought about by the oil glut of the partly 80’s, there was an impressing need to change policy direct with the aim of diversifying the economy. More emphasizes were placed on resulting the priority of real production of the economy especially the agricultural of the economy especially the agricultural products. Consequent, upon this, there were various policies and other measures directed towards enhancing the activities of the agricultural production, which was one main stay of the economy.
However, these measures notwithstanding have not really improved activities in the agricultural production sector. Furthermore, the agricultural production seems to have contributed something significantly to the overall gross domestic product. There is now a problem as to whether government efforts to stimulating the activities of the agricultural production have any significant contribution at improving its performance and that of the economy in general. It is against this background that this research work is undertaken to examine the contribution of Agricultural production to the growth of the Nigerian economy.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The general objective of this study, specifically, the study would attempt.
i. To determine the contribution of the agricultural production to the growth of the Nigerian economy.
ii. To identify some of the problems affecting the agricultural production in Nigeria.
iii. To proffer solutions to the problems of agricultural growth on the Nigerian economy.
iv. To make appropriate economic policies that will help improve the growth of the agricultural production in Nigeria economy.
v. To examine the training and agricultural production available to staff of the local government.
vi. To find out the number of staff that is being trained, each year and how it has affected their performance at work.
vii. To find out whether staff of the local government sees training and development programmes as motivating and means of job enrichment and satisfaction.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The importance of this research work cannot be over-emphasized. It will enable government and policy maker to make appropriate economic policies that will help improve the activities of the agricultural production in Nigeria.
Furthermore, with the findings and suggestions of this research work, awareness will be created in this great academic community so as to appreciate efforts by the government to improve the agricultural production and also benefits and contribution to the farmers and the country bas a whole. Finally, this will guide researchers this subject matter.
1.5 Research Questions
The following are research questions:
i. Does training and agricultural production have any influence on the level of performance of the local government?
ii. What proportions of staffs are being trained yearly?
iii. What type of training and production programme is available to local government worker?
iv. Does contribution of agricultural production and training has any effect on the growth of the Nigeria economy.
v. Are you convinced that production performance improves after training?
vi. Do staffs see training and production programme as motivating, contribution to the growth of the Nigeria economy and means of job enrichment?
1.6 Scope of Study
This study covers the Enugu North Local Government Area. A thorough study was carried in Enugu North, and any other reference to other local government is for charity and vivid understanding of the subject topic, “The Contribution of Agricultural Production to the growth of the Nigerian economy”.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
However, to carryout a more detailed work on this issue was limited by the following factor.
i. Lack of Fund: The financial involvement of this work was much that it was beyond our reach.
ii. Time Factor: The combination of the lecture and this research work did not give us enough time to carryout a thorough study of the subject matter.
iii. Lack of maximum co-operation by researcher: some of the researchers who are supposed to give maximum support did not assemble at once for the research work.
iv. Late Returning of Questionnaires: Some of the respondents did not return their questionnaires given to them and some returned theirs very late and they were as not returned.
v. Attitude of the Group Members:- They contributed so much in seeing that the work is been perfectly done. They put all they zeal both in writing aid in attendant to see that every thing concerning the writing of this project is completed successfully.
1.8 Definitions of Terms
i. Policy: Is a plan of action agreed to be carried out.
ii. Production: Involves the creation of utility that is, goods and services.
iii. Economy: This is the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region.
iv. Export: Is the selling and sending goods to another country.
v. Growth: Is a term used to indicate increase of per capital gross domestic product.
vi. Improve: Is to become better than before.
Chapter two of this Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy” research work is available. Chapter Two of “Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy Contains: Literature Review, Overview Of The Agricultural Production In Nigeria, Historical Background Of Nigerian Agriculture, The Role Of Agriculture In Economic Growth, Problems Of Agriculture In Nigeria, Agricultural Policies In Nigeria, The Period Of Structural Adjustment Programme and Summary Of Review .
Chapter three of this Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy” academic work is available. Order Full Work to download. Chapter Three of “Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy Contains: Research Methods, Research Design, Area Of Study, Population Of The Study, Sample Size And Sample Technique, Instrument For Data Collection, Method Of Data Collection, Validation And Reliability Of The Instrument, Method Of Data Analysis and Decision Rule .
Chapter four of this Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy project work is available. Order Full Work to download. Chapter Four of Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy Contains: Data Presentation And Analysis, Presentation And Analysis Of Data .
Chapter five of this Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy material is available. Order Full Work to download. Chapter Five of Contribution Of Agricultural Production To The Growth Of The Nigerian Economy Contains: Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations, Summary Of Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations, Suggestions For Further Studies, References and Appendix.