Conflict is a disagreement or clash between people, ideas; or in the case of our study, cultures. Therefore, culture becomes a unique and sentimental phenomenon that is not only cherished but also protected dearly by an individual as well. Thus, a literature has become the means through which cultural sentiments are projected and expressed. For a long time, Africans in particular, have been subjected to cultural imposition and displacement of western culture. This report aimed at examining the Euro centric psyche that considers westernization superior. This study has adopted the sociological theory by focusing on Soyinka’s text; The Lion and the Jewel and Death because it best suits our study. We discussed these conflicts through societal norms and belief system, psychological conflict and generation gap.
1.0 Introduction
The intent of this study is to analyse WoleSoyinka’s play The Lion and the Jewel from the light of cultures in conflict to encourage others to read the works of African literature. The play is characterized by the conflict between cultures. This conflict exists between Lakunle the schoolteacher who is influenced by Western cultureand Baroka who is uneducated and represents the traditional one. This study shows the concepts of culture that has focused on the conflicts between old and new, western and tradition. The researcher tries to highlight not only the plight of Nigerian people but the Africans continents as a whole. In the play, there is a confrontation between the tradition and modernity. The researcher relates the modernity to the influence of British culture on Nigerian way of life. Lakunle who stands for change in the play is facing a challenge with Baroka who stands for the tradition. The conflict in this study has different sides. So, it may be as a result of generation gap, or education or age (old and new) or mind and belief. The conflict may exist among the characters themselves.