Information flow is at the core of every management system, public or private and the correct interpretation of information is a critical attribute of an effective manager. Such interpretation is the basis of all rational decisions, which is the essence of management. Therefore, information must be considered vital resources at the personal, organizational and national level.
Information is a product of processing (analysis and synthesis) of factual data. Hence data, which is colleted and stored in various forms, is the raw material for producing information. Incorrect and incomplete data therefore gives rise to defective information. Defective information can also arise from poor processing of data. Another factor that contributes to poor information is ineffective communication because of delays, incompleteness, or distortions, therefore, developing and sustaining system that produces, store, transmit and process information is a priority functions in public administration and the management of development.
In our society today, people in business, government and social activities to a large extend depend on records. Records are of vital importance, hence in the field of business studies, records management has been seriously appreciated, no effective discussion of an office activities takes place without records.
Historically, its origin is traced back to Egypt, central records were made for purchase and sales of land to enable them know how transactions were made how records were kept. So, Egyptians gathered the necessary information which were not only processed but stored for future reference.
Records management, in essence is an man, it has been in existence for quite a long period of time. This is because of man’s desire for keeping document and for keeping proper records of his daily activities so as to avoid forgetfulness. In the ancient times, records management was crude, there was no proper or good system of storage of records because it was not viewed with a keen interest.
But today’s modern world or business because of new invention n different business world records management hampers the smooth running of modern business organization, while proper care is taken in any organization to see that records are kept properly as it is part of the business. Infact, it is the life wire of most business as the planning of the business, documents used for construction of sites, receipt for goods bought and so on are kept for future reference.
Taking a critical look at a typical office, it will be observed that, that would be seen embraced such things like letters, report, cheques and so on. All these are records which must be presented so that reference should be made easily. Offices do not operate in a vacuum, they receive information which comes inform of invoices, memorandum, correspondence etc., which are sorted out, recorded, codified and properly stored for future references, these places of information could be sorted out alphabetically or chronologically. There is no standard system of record keeping; each organization has it own system of record that suits it. What we regard or know as records come information and only becomes important when they were properly kept for future reference. Records do not come into being at random, their existence and maintenance is deliberated.
Therefore, is hardly on organization that has no desire for storing documents. The major problem could be lack of finance, space and equipment for keeping records.
An organization needs storage equipment filling cabinet, desk, drawer, fire resisting equipment etc. as to have an efficient and standard system of keeping records. Having been able to buy the equipment, lack of space can hamper the efficiency of the record-keeping management. For example, many institutions and ministries are operating in rented buildings.
Against this background, many records are kept by different offices operating in Nigeria; their records arise from the daily activities in and outside the offices. Various office managers are usually placed in charges of records management in these offices. On the order hand, some organizations do not know the importance of record management. When one goes to an organization to get documented information, what he or she will hear is that the record(s) bearing the information is missing. Thereby causing delay in getting the information. In this regard the researcher wants to make a through research concerning the effects of poor record management in an office organization. Also the research wants to get solution to the problem investigated.
It is a fact that poor record management affects an organization performance. This is because when records are not well kept, it disrupts functions. Hence organization should learn or teach their employees on how to file and keep their files properly. It was also discovered that most organization doesn’t have modern equipments like computer to keep records; lack of accommodation is also one of problems encountered. These are the reason why the researcher wanted to find out the effects of poor records management in an office organization.
- The purpose of study is to know the effect of poor records management in an office organization.
- To know why some offices in the institution fell to keep records well.
- To know the problem associated with record management.
- To make suggestion based on the findings and also make recommendation so as to have effective records management in the organization especially in Federal Polytechnic, Oko.
The study will be of great benefit to organizational managers to know modern ways of keeping records. This study will also help the management to decide to send the workers concerned for in service training so as to improve records management in an organization. The study will also eliminate manpower wastage in organization. It will also help the workers to be aware of proper records keeping.
To what extent does Federal Polytechnic, Oko keep records of their students?
- To what extent does poor record management affect both students and staff of the polytechnic?
- What are the courses of poor record management in organization?
- Does Federal Polytechnic, Oko teach the staff proper records management?
- To what extent does poor record management affect organization?
- What are the consequences of poor record management?
- Does poor record management affect organization performance?
The scope of this work is the effects of poor record management in an organization in Federal Polytechnic Oko. In this research work is the effects of poor records management in Nigeria with special reference to Federal Polytechnic, Oko.
RECORDING: This is a process of putting down in writing a permanent account of facts or events persevered for future reference.
MOTIVATION: Is a management techniques and a process of stimulating people into action in order to accomplish the desire goal or objective.
AUTOMATION: This is the use of different types of machine aided devices to work in an office to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the employ manpower.
SECRETARY: A secretary is an association to an executive that posses mastery of higher skills, has the ability to take responsibility without much supervision and able to take decision within her/his limit or scope.
DEPARTMENT: Is a situation where the activities of an organization are severally divided into sections or group and according to their functions.
ORGANIZATION: This means the arrangement of the various party allocated with authority and responsibilities so that they work harmoniously towards the attainment of the set goals or objectives.
COMPUTER: Is an electronic device that accept data to produce a meaningful information with title or no human intervention.
COMPUTER PROGRAMME: Is a set of instrument which enables.
MANAGEMENT: This is the act of managing ie the managers of an organization
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