Motivation on bank employee was established by the organisation (bank) with the aim to reset the healthy course of reconstruction growth and development of the organisation (bank) this research is set to understand how height level of employee engagement incentive to reward good work which happen to be a
tried and also a test way of boosting staff moral. But from banks perspective a banker, job in addition to growth the economy, there by motivation is necessary on bank employee for effective management. The effect of motivation incentive on bank employee was established by the banking institution with an aim to reset the Nigeria banking industry on a healthy course of reconstruction growth and development. It however, known that by 1982 the banking industry had not in the development and growth tracked, the industry (banking industry) had fallen drastically from its peak, due to lack of capacity to embank on such bold policy which goes beyond executive certain cosmetics aspect of the problems, and motivation on the employee will bring about setting the problem and make banking business to be effective and efficiently.
Every organisation whether profit oriented or not establish its purpose goals and objectives which transpires into mission statement. These of course are only accomplished by the efficient and effective
management of its human material and financial sources. However, the most dynamic and complex to manage is its human resources (people) due to essential difference individual behaviour and attitude as
expressed in the work environment. Work environment behaviour difference between and with individuals are produced by physical difference, mental capabilities, life-experience, culture, perception of a situation, age, sex, level of education, skills exposure, traits, abilities, energy level, family responsibilities, present standard of living, other available income, financial status years with employee, years on job, working experience and lastly level of job in organizational hierarchy among others. On law about human behaviour that we can be certain about is that all people are different, it is on knowledge of these behavioural deference in the work place (environment) that this research intended to delve the influences that stimulates behaviours towards high performance for productivity in achieving organizational goals termed motivation.
Motivation is a general concept appreciated by many successful organizations and implemented for the overall benefit of the organizations. The Nigeria banking industry is not an exception. The industry has undergone remarkable changes over the years, in terms of the number of institutions, ownership, structure, capitalization, as well as depth and breath of operations. These changes have been influenced largely by challenges posed by deregulation of the financial sector globalisation of operations, technological innovations and adoption of supervisory and prudential requirements thatconform to international standards.
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