This research is carried out to know the strategies for improving Teachers performance in Secondary School of Ode – Irele Local government Area.
A well structured questionnaire was used to gather information from the respondents. The questionnaire is subject to four points Henry linker Scale. The mean of any factor of 2.5 and above is said to be agreed upon as factors affecting performance of Teachers and therefore acceptable. The mean below 2.5 is unacceptable as a factor. Upon the whole it was agreed that teachers as specific method of teaching each subject, these has the mean of 2.6 and standard deviation of 0.89. Therefore it plays a vital role in school to equip secondary schools with teachers above is said to be agreed upon as factors affecting performance of Teachers and therefore acceptable. The mean below 2.5 is unacceptable as a factor. Upon the whole it was agreed that teachers as specific method of teaching each subject, these has the mean of 2.6 and standard deviation of 0.89. Therefore it plays a vital role in school to equip secondary schools with teachers.
The place of the teachers in controlling the tempo of change and development cannot be over estimated. Considering the vital role of teacher in the society, it can be asserted that, for the welfare of the youth and society as a well, there is need for teaching to be established, improved and maintained by society as a full profession.
Education authorities therefore have an obligation to seek and provide opportunities for teachers to grow professionally for as they make this growth, they make a greater contribution to teachers.
Of all persons, in our society according to Stone and Schneider (1971) mc Omologi (1998), a teacher must be the best educated”. This include his academic qualification and character children’s active minds are always conjuring up ideas and questions which taught upon academic qualification areas outside the particular class or subjects with which they may be presently involved.
In attempting, therefore, to sustain whatever is left that is positive in this decade of educational reforms; it must not be forget where the ultimate power to change is and always has been in the hands, and hearts of the educators who work in our schools. True reform must go where the action is we must continue to ask questions about how to improve the profession of teaching.
What makes teachers successful at improving instructional practices? What kind of thinking and decision making underlie their practice? Engaging teachers in the process of raising question and answering questions about how to improve the practices of teaching is essential.
Almost twenty years ago Johnson and Johnson (1984) stated “we are in a period of educational crisis with a wide discrepancy between the instrumental methods used in schools and the instructional methods used in schools and those verified by research as most effective”. One must ask why there is still such as a disconnection between theory and practice when there is even more pressure on teachers to perform than ever before.
The teachers presently teaching in secondary schools face a challenge in keeping barest of development in teaching and being able to ascertain their potential contributions for the improvement of instrument at the classroom level.
These teachers face the challenge of dealing with today’s youth who hailer becomes more curious, more sophisticated and more demanding in their approach to learning, thereby complicating the teaching function.
The purpose of the study shall mainly to:
- Find out facilities and equipment are used for teacher in teaching in secondary schools
- Ascertain whether there is adequate staffing in secondary school for teaching.
- Identify the extent to which student and teachers have been motivated towards the study.
- Determine the extent to which the government and other funding agencies extend their support to teacher improvement.
This study will be significant in numbers of way which will seek to identify what should be the role of schools and government towards the teaching and learning, It will unfold the strategies for motivating teachers and students in teaching and learning in secondary schools, It will remind the teachers the challenges awaiting them in the changing society and modern teaching.
Generally the study will recommend the ways of improving the teacher’s conditions for service to ensure efficient and effective performance in classrooms. - HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY
The following hypothesis has been formulated to ascertain whether it is correct or wrong form sampling process. It is stated thus:
In-service training can improve teacher performance in secondary schools.
The school cannot fully provide necessary equipment for the teacher performance in secondary schools.
Seminars and workshop including staff supervision and classroom visitation cannot improve the performance of teachers. - ASSUMPTION OF THE STUDY
The researcher assumed that:
a. Each respondent would be able to read meaning into the questionnaire items.
b. The respondents will give objective response to the questionnaire items.
The study was limited to twenty-five (25) out thirty-nine (39) secondary schools in Irele Local Government of Ondo-State.
The research covers only the Irele zone of education system. The findings and results are only effective within the zone and thus cannot be used to generalize to other fields of profession.
The recommended strategies for improving teacher’s performance are only operational in teaching. - REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE TEACHER IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES
Staff Induction or Orientation: The act of hiring a man for a job carries with it the presumption that he will stay with the organization.
The value to education of a well planned employed induction therefore, cannot be over estimated induction training according to Morphet (1974), is a systematic organizational effort to minimize
problems confronting new personnel so that they can contribute maximally to the work of the school while realizing personal and position stratification. It should be noted that the point at
which any one decides to enter any profession marks a very significant juncture for both the person and the organization. It is to the advantages of both the system and the individual that he
becomes adjusted as soon as possible to the conditions effecting his performance in the position.
Proper induction for new entrants into actual teaching should therefore be regarded as an integral part of the training process.
2.1 In-Service Training: the importance of in-service in education for all educational personnel is recognized throughout the literature of the teaching profession. No person in education ever really completes his training. Infant, professional development begins it fall stride
when teaching begins. (Barnes 1960).