This study was carried out to find out the role of vocational education in economic development in Edo State. Chapter one gave the insight into the background of vocational education courses, which are geared towards self-reliance or self-employment while related literature was review in chapter two.
The chapter three described the design and methodology. It treated the significance, purpose and problems of this study including the research question, which were administered, and the result analyzed in chapter four. The study was then summarized in chapter five and from the results in chapter four, conclusion and recommendations were made. It is observed that students generally lack the zeal, interest and aptitude in learning vocational and technical education courses. To accomplish this, three departments were randomly selected in School of Education, Ekiadolor Benin and they numbered one hundred.
Chapter Two
Review of literature
Chapter Three
Design of the study
Population and sample
Validity of the instrument
Method of data collection
Method of data analysis
Chapter Four
Data analysis and interpretation
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion, Recommendations and
Suggestions for further research
According to Akenbi (2000) vocational education is the acquisition of basic skills, which enable an individual to be gainfully employed in any sectors of the economy. For any country to obtain any level of development, vocational education must be put into consideration. Western education started in Nigeria when the Christian Missionaries came. During this period, they were mostly interested in teaching the word of God, converting souls and preaching the gospel. Some people were not able to fellowship, some could not walk, see or hear, therefore, they were taught how to make basket and this occupied them, aids were given to them, active/alive and to make them feel at home. Before the arrival of the missionary, vocational training had started at home, children helping their mothers to cook, boys helping their father at farm. The colonial administration participated in vocational/technical education given as a separate plan outside that vocational education involves such field as agricultural education, business education, marketing or distributive education, trade and industrial education. Vocational education comprises of
vocational and technical training, which is given in schools a class under public supervision and control. The development of skills is perhaps the foundation on which vocation education is laid the assertion has been authorize to the unanimous agreement of the three groups sample to the fact that vocational education is designed to develop skills abilities understanding and attitude of individuals. This agrees with the definition of committee on research and publication of American vocation association (1954). The primary purpose of embarking on skill development is to enable someone to do some work.
Olatain (1984) says vocational education refers to systematic learning experience, which are designed to enable individuals for gainful employment in recognized occupation as semi skilled workers or technical or professionals. It equally included guidance and counselling in connecting with training and other instruction directly related through an occupation. The benefits derives from various vocational education cannot be over emphasized. It is the pride of the nation to develop more vocational education in order to activate maximum technologically. Thorp et al (1930) in their reports they expressed the view that the aim and objective of vocational education are as follows;
a. The aim of technical education must be to provide or the requirements of industry, commerce and society and to adjust itself to the changing needs of the territory. The curriculum and organization must be adopted to meet national and local demands and must not adhere to firm and immutable forms.
b. Large number of men and women engaged in industry and commerce and in professional and auxiliary, occupation lack the specialized knowledge and training which would allow them to be efficient in their vocation and fit to accept greater responsibility, the course must be arranged so they can improve their knowledge and efficiency while continuing employment.
c. Special attention must be given to the training of teachers and personnel and for institutions engaged into training of teachers particularly for secondary schools and technical institutions and for institutions engaged in the training of primary school teachers also for person engaged in social
Vocational education has been known as a veritable discipline for the attainment of self-reliance and can be seen in different dimensions. The various skills acquisition centres in the state are expected to produce man power at crasmanship and apprenticeship levels. And it has been ascertained that facilities, sta, finance etc are either lacking or not suiciently provided to achieve the expected desires. Although many technical schools and other skill acquisition centre like college of education, polytechnics are available in Edo state for the above purposes what is not clear now is that to what extent is “vocational education helping in economic development of Edo State”.
The objective of study is to investigate the problems facing vocational education in Oredo Local Government Area. it is also to investigate the following specific objectives; - To know if non-availability of finance is aecting the development of vocational education in Oredo Local Government Area.
- To know if vocational education is really helping individual to be self-reliance.
- To know if inadequate infrastructural facilities is aecting the development of vocational education.
- To know if the local government is really helping teachers and students of vocational education etc.
This study will be of great importance to this development of new and old vocational and technical education schools in Oredo Local Government Area.
The study will also contribute immensely to the exploration of the vocation education in Oredo Local Government Area and suggest possible solution to the
problems identified.
Also, it will be significant to heads and director of the existing vocation and technical education schools because it will expose other unnecessary roles and problems that led to the total collapse of subsequent vocational and technical schools in order to avoid them and ensure efficiency and maximum prosperity.
The following research questions were asked for the purpose for the attainment of the above.
1. Is non-availability of finance aecting the development of vocational education in Oredo Local Government Area?
2. Is vocational education really helping individual to be self-reliance?
3. Are inadequate infrastructural facilities aecting the development of vocational education?
4. Is Local Government really helping teachers and students of vocational education?
5. Is non-availability of sta or teachers aecting
the development of vocational education?
The study will be narrowed to school of Vocational and Technical Education, or College of Vocational and technical Studies which oer vocational courses which are; Agricultural Education, Business Education and Home Economics Education.
Vocational education: This is the education or sort of formal training programme that trains students for work in a particular trade. It is also the education that prepares people for specific trades, cras, and careers at various levels.
Agricultural Education: This is an instruction about crop production, livestock, management, soil and water conservation and various other aspect of agriculture.
Vocational and Technical Education: Is an organized educational activities that oer a sequence of courses that provides individuals with the academic and technical knowledge.
Apprenticeship: Apprenticeship is an agreement between a person (an apprentice) who wants to learn a skill and an employer who needs a skilled worker. Apprenticeship combines on the job experience with technical classroom training.
Trade and Industrial Education: This education prepares people for careers in a variety of trades including carpentry, masonry, electrical and construction management.