Marketing is a common phenomenon, but it is quite complex and in fact an elusive subject matter. Marketing means different things to different people just as it affect everyone and is highly controversial. The activities of Marketing are so diverse that its sometimes difficult to say exactly what the term means. But however, the general consensus on marketing is that it is the performance of business activities which involves identifying, anticipating customs wants and satisfy them.
The economic health of any nation depends largely on the healthy marketing system, especially where a huge mass production system and its attendant mass distributions are involved.
The importance and relevance of marketing business, whether in private or public organization cannot be overemphasized. It is against this background that many scholars and practitioners alike began to research extensively on Marketing as a business of exchange transactions.
Strategy is define as “a unified comprehensive, and integrated plan
relating the strategic advantages of the firm to the challenges of the
environment” (W.F. Gluck 1980). From the definition above, one can
Strategy Employed by Tobacco Company and the Prospects for Growth. 12
infer that strategy is a behaviour whose purpose is to achieve success for organizational goals in a competitive environment, chiefly rivals, market competitors, suppliers, customers, employees and even governmental unit.
The focus of this research work is on the marketing strategies employed by British American Tobacco Zaria and the prosperity for its growth. Marketing itself is a response to society needs. As society changes, so does marketing; as a society becomes complex so do the needs of its people.
Therefore, desired marketing strategies are required to cope with the
dynamism of the society and their needs. For example, a marketer mush have a
good knowledge of the behavioural sciences that deals with relationship among
people which involves sociology, psychology and cultural anthropology. The way
people responds as individuals and groups changes over time. More importantly
the product under this research study is highly controversial world wide. In
the civilized world, political and ethical actions sets legal boundaries for
business like the marketing of tabacco products. All over the world, old laws
are changed concerning the production, marketing and consumption of Cigarette,
new laws are added and new interpretation are given to the existing laws.
Marketing Strategy Employed by Tobacco Company and the Prospects for Growth.
However, decisions about what is acceptable behaviour form the ethical environment. Very often, a law is passed because a collective group thinking leads to the conclusion that a certain business practice is not ethical. For example several laws/decrees have either been passed or promulgated to ban or control Cigarette smoking all over the world.
British American Tobacco took over Nigerian Tobacco Company Zaria in the year 2000 B.A.T, ironically was the Parent Company if N.T.C Zaria up till the time the former took over N.T.C. unfortunately NTC’s operations including Marketing had been at its best epileptic for the past one decade now; due probably to some factors that could be traced to poor quality of Nigerian made products, poor and inadequate marketing strategies and practices and alarming scale of smuggler’s activities including high costs of production.