Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Content vi
- Introduction 1
- background to the study 1
- statement of the problem 3
- objective of the study 3
- limitation of the study 4
- research question 4
- scope of the study 4
- Hypothesis of the Study 5
- Plan of the Study 6
- operation definition of term (optional) 6
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
- Preamble/preview/introduction 7
- Conceptual issues/framework 7
- Theoretical frame work 12
- Empirical review 14
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology
- Area of
study/introduction/preamble 15
- Research design (optional) 15
- Sources of data 16
- Population of the study 16
- Sample size and sampling Technique 17
- Research instrument 17
- Method of data analysis 18
- Model specification 18
CHAPER FOUR: Data analysis and discussion
- preamble/introduction/preview 19
- demographic characteristics of respondent 19
- statistical result 20
- test of hypothesis 21
- summary of findings 22
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 summary 24
5.2 conclusion 25
5.3 recommendation 26
References 28
Bibliography 30
Appendix 32