1.1 Background of Study
Science explains the natural existence of man and his activities. Science could be seen as problem solving in order to improve the living standard of man. There are different definitions of science by different schools of thought; Owolabi (2004) defines science as an integrated part of human activities. It is seen as a dynamic human activity concerned with manipulating spherical world. It is seen as “knowledge covering general truths and laws, obtained and tested through scientific methods as concerned laws with the physical world”. Science can be seen as the bedrock of national development. A nation that is not scientifically advanced is termed a backward nation. Science is used by humans to solve daily problems and control the environment.
The usefulness of science cannot be under-rated. There are many areas of life that science has contributed such as in medicine, geophysics, hydrology, agriculture, communication, technology, education, transportation, healthcare to mention a few. Agriculture has improved greatly through the introduction of high yield improved agricultural seeds. Science has led to breakthrough in medical care. Diagnostic machine for checking different ailments and diseases are now controlled and diseases cured through science. The usefulness of science to humanity cannot be over emphasized.
Integrated Science is defined as the study of living things which include plants and animals. It is a fascinating study that ranges from microscopic-cellular molecules to the biosphere, encompassing the earth’s surface and its living organisms (Sarigin, 2010). Integrated Science is a core subject that is mandatory in all secondary schools in Nigeria as it is a pre-requisite to the study of many courses relevant to humanity which include the following; Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Agriculture, Anatomy, Physiology, Botany, Zoology, MicroIntegrated Science, Cell Integrated Science, Ecology, Entomology Immunology, Molecular Integrated Science, Evolutionary, Genetics and population dynamic among others. Integrated Science can be conveniently taught in a laboratory which is a place designed and equipped with materials for teaching and learning. It is obvious that most secondary schools lack physical laboratories and where they exist, there are inadequate or lack of equipment. One of the problems militating against effort to enrich science is inadequate or absence of teaching aids or materials which include; indoor or outdoor laboratory, reagents, chemicals and unqualified teachers. Nwoji (1999) reported that some essential facilities were not available in the school visited (Baike 2000).
The importance of Integrated Science is so much that it needs to be taught with language laboratory to arouse students’ interest. Tabotndip (2004) lamented that abstract teaching goes on today where teachers do not use apparatus and students are not using textbooks. It is reported that most secondary schools do not have Integrated Science laboratory, the few existing ones have been converted into classrooms to create space for the overwhelming population of students arising from the Universal Basic Education (UBE) and Universal Primary Education (UPE). As a result of WAEC specification on SSCE examination, some schools resorts to multipurpose laboratory.
There is need for a single laboratory for each of physics, chemistry as well as Integrated Science practicals. This ought not to be so for they have their disadvantages such as fire or chemical outbreak or accidents. In case of Integrated Science, the charts, specimen and models may not be displayed for recognition and observation. Learning occurs when all the facilities for study are harnessed for work during a teaching and learning experience