The importance of housing to man cannot be over emphasized, because housing is one of the three basic needs of mankind right from the time of early man.
This point can be generalized till date virtually all federal government initiatives targeted at improving the lives or rural dwellers have failed due to poor planning, corruption and avarice by government officials and their collaboration.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the country side national wide has remained rustic and undeveloped all those years.
For example, epileptic electricity supply which is a general; problem in Nigeria is worse in Gbo-Owo area and other villages around, and also lack of motor able roads and portable water supply is a serious problem in rural areas in Nigeria.
Because of inadequate road network, many farmers go through hell to evacuate their farm produce from the farms.
Most these problems mention above are major problems facing people in Igbo-Owu, Ifelodun Local Government Area.
Housing is a physical structure used for shelter; it includes all equipment, facilities and amenities needed for healthy living of the occupants. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory propounded in (1976).
Decent housing is one of the basic needs for every individual in the family and community in general.
As a pre-requisite to the structure which may be refers to security or safety and rank second in the physiological needs, otherwise called clothing and food in (Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory 1976).
To a great extent, the difficulties examine by housing problem becomes over whelming in recent years. Housing is one of the paramount necessities of humanity. University it reflects the culture, and life style of the society. In addition, housing either in unit or multiple forms is an important component of the physical form and structure of a community, while the human and family occupants of the house are part of the living souls and prosperity of the society, (Wahab 1983).
Agboola (1998) described housing as a unit of the environment having pronounced influence on the health, social behavior, satisfaction and general welfare of he community. If reflects the cultural, social land economics value of a society as it is the best physical and historical evidence of civilization in a country (Agboola 1998).
The importance of providing adequate housing in any country cannot be over emphasized. It is a stimulant of national economy. Housing is more distinct form just shelter or rood over one’s head.
It is for protection form climate element like rain, sun ideal disposal of household and human waste. There should be sufficient space for wealthy living and privacy security of tenure of occupancy, provision and availability of space and clean drinking water should be provided, affordability and access to place of employment, healthcare, recreation and educational services. A housing frame work will the above mention characteristics is regarded as an adequate housing. In addition, a decent house can be regarded as the right of every individual. A great proportion of the populations of the Nigeria live in sub-standard and poor housing and in deplorable unsanitary residential environment (Aubvivis 1975).
In Nigeria, the housing difficult particularly of low income earner have been complicated by condition peculiar to developing countries with rapid growth, inflate real estate values, speculative activity, influx of poor immigrants and clack of planning (Wahab 1983).
Furthermore, housing is one of the bases of human needs; provision of houses through the creation of mortgage is taken for granted in developing countries, especially in sub-Salinayor Africa (Ovuwone 1992).
All government in Nigeria since independence high lighted housing as a major priority. Unfortunately for over 50 years of its independence Nigeria is yet to develop a vibrant mortgage market and houses continue to be provided through the tortuous traditional method of buying land and building over since years, which could be an individual entire lifetime. In many cases, such are left uncompleted or individual have to deplete their entire life saving in order to build a home.
Looking at the statistics, we see that there are tremendous opportunities in the Nigeria Looking at the statistic; we see that there are tremendous opportunities in the Nigeria housing sector waiting to be tapped. We should note that the government alone can not fill the gap, we should have to leverage on the resources available in the private sector while also encouraging foreign investment. Government (federal and the sub-natural government) should focus on providing a favourable investment climate, infrastructure and mortgage insurance to first time home buyers and how to middle income families. We must however note that there are challenges to harnessing the huge potentials inherent. In Nigeria housing sector and invariably providing affordable housing in Nigeria.
It is necessary to study the problems associated with rural housing in Nigeria because housing is of great importance to man. Thus the study will enable us to examine more problems associated with rural housing in Nigeria, and rural areas.
The problem of rural housing has become an everyday discussion in all quarters of the public and private services of the developing countries.
This is emphasis by Onibokun (1996 and Nubi 1991) that the shortcoming are inadequate housing provided for people which indicate that the number of housing provision is very low to that number of the inhabitants available in the area.
In Igboowu services and facilities such as electricity which is generally a problem in Nigeria has become worse in rural areas, also absence of portable water supply and motor able roads absence of decent building and generally in adequacy of facilities.
Likewise, in Igboowu inadequate electricity, lack of good roads
Some question must be raised in order to provide the answer to the problem.
- Why has rural housing system remained passive?
- Why is the socio-economic development having impact of the rural housing?
- Is there any existing structure of housing that caters for rural housing in Nigeria?
The aim of the study is to examine the problem of rural housing in Nigeria. To achieve this aim the under listed objectives are set to be pursued.
- To identify the types of houses within the study area
- To know rural housing condition.
- To examine the types of infrastructural facilities within the study area.
- To examine the problem associated with rural housing and provide and appropriate recommendation to the problem.