Industrial relations is a discipline concerned with the systematic study of all aspect of the employment relationship.It also deals with every thing that effects the relationship between workers and employers, perhaps from the time employee joins work in Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri.Federal polytechnic Nekede is a cooperate organization, therefore in real term industrial of employment, relation to the employers management or their organization, the workers organization and the third party private or government acting as an umprime of a controller, the purpose of which is joint decision making for establishing job rules and job value and cooperation of management resources for the attainment of the organizational objectives. Industrial relation leads to the establishment of Nigeria civil services union in fighting for better conditions of services of civil servant in Nigeria. It also form the fundamental form of employment contract between the workers and employers.
Finally industrial relations tends to regulate the employment relationship by the employers management organization and the employees organization and third party, private or government acting as an umprine of a controller, the purpose of which joint decision making for establishing job rules and values. Proper implementation of industrial relations helps the organization in achieving the goal efficiently and effectively
Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of content vi
Chapter one
- Background of the study 4
- Statement of the problem 7
- Objectives of the study 7
- Research questions 8
- Statement of hypothesis 8
- Significant of the study 9
- Scope of the study 10
- Limitation of the study 11
- Definition of terms 12
Chapter two
2.0 literature review 13
2.1 historical overview 18
2.2 The actors in industrial relations
and their areas of interest 21
2.3 problems of industrial relations 23
2.4 remedy to problem of industrial relations/conflict
resolution 31
2.5 environments of industrial relations 35
2.6 The importance and objectives of sound industrial
Relations 35
2.7 levels of industrial relation 35
2.8 elements of industrial relations 35
Chapter three
3.0 research design and methodology 37
3.1 research design 37
3.2 sources/methods of data of collection 37
3.3 population and sample size 38
3.4 validity and reliability of measuring instrument 40
3.5 method of data analysis 41
Chapter four
4.0 Presentation analysis of data 43
4.1 presentations of data 59
4.2 analysis of data 60
4.3 test of hypothesis 64
4.4 interpretation of results
Chapter five
5.0 summary, conclusion and recommendations 71
5.1 summary of findings 71
5.2 conclusion 72
5.3 recommendations 72
References 74
The industrial relations has become formalized in the form of employment contract between the workers and the employer. The parties were seen as equal, who has invested his capital aims at maximizing profits. The workers on the other hand contributes his services which if not remunerated falls into object poverty dies.
According to Fajana(2000), industrial relation as a discipline which is concerned with the systematic study of all respects of the employment relationship.a Armstrong )1980) sees industrial relations as the inter-twinning activities of the workers management and government for the better working conditions.
Armstrong (2002), defines industrial relations as the network of social relationship between the employees and their unions, employers and their associations and government and their numerous agencies in their attempts to regulate terms and conditions of employment and perform other functions that directly or indirectly concern the initiation and sustenance of peaceful and purposeful labour management relations which involve applying machinery dealing with complaints, grievance and disputes in an organization.
In the Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Industrial relations deals with everything that affects the relationship between workers and employers, perhaps from the time the employee join the work in federal polytechnic until the time he leaves his job. The federal polytechnic Nekede is a corporate organization, therefore in real terms industrial relation in the institution is the regulation of employment relations by the employers management or their organization, the workers organization and the third party, private and government acting as an umpire of a controller the purpose of which is joint decision making for establishing job rules and the job values and for co-operation of manpower resources for the attainment of the organizational objectives of the enterprises, the trade union and of course the state.
Federal polytechnic Nekede industrial relation is the one that includes the study of trade unions, management or employers associations and the public bodies concerned with the regulation of employment. Each of the unions in federal polytechnic Nekede have their own power authority and invested interest. They also have industrial democracy, conflict resolution and collective bargaining in solving problems between management and the workers. The industrial unions in federal polytechnic Nekede is made up of academic staff union of polytechnic (ASUP), Non-Academic staff union (NASU) and senior staff association of Nigerian institution of polytechnic (SSANIP).