It is common knowledge that organization whether their employees or workers to perform and behave in certain ways, if the organization should survive and achieve it’s aims. The various forms of behaviour and attitude disposition which organization require of employees in order to achieve set of goals depend on the kind of rewards and incentives existing in the organization.
Organizational rewards system refers to ways and modalities by which workers in organization can be motivated or induced to put much effort that will lead top attainment of the organizational goals.
According to Scott (1966), he defined organization reward as those motivational tools which an organization adopts to rewards its workers for higher for improved productivity. These rewards or incentives vary from one organization to another. There is need for workers to be motivated by providing variable that will boast the morale in the service these reward system in organization include the following: advancement opportunity in the company job security, good salary, adequate medical health facilities canteens service, pension scheme, credit for the job one does (recognition), housing and transport allowance, good management/workers relation, physical working condition such as good office accommodation, etc. to most people, this is not necessary. So, incentive or reward are used for the following purposes:
- To persuade people to come to work
- To encourage people to work harder when they are at work.
- To help people to identify themselves with the objectives of the organization to show management appreciation of the employees contribution to the survival of the organization.
It is however a common problem that the refusal of employees or management to meet refusal of employees has always caused decent amount workers.
According to Davis (1971), the surest sign of deteriorating condition in an origination is job dissatisfaction. The result of which are grievance, low productivity, indiscipline and other organizational difficulties.
In essence, various studies have shown that there is correlation between reward and productivity in an organization. A well packed incentive system couple with appreciate reward has a tendency of influencing effort in achieving organizational goals and effectiveness.
According to Moroke (1988), he said that the more the needs of workers are met within the organization through appropriate reward and incentive, the more likelihood that they are motivated to work and thus satisfy the needs of the organization.
Consequently, the problem of how the male employees to hard for the interest of the organization and for their own interest become a fundamental one.
The issue of how productivity and mobilization of employee is one of the major problems that that occupied the attention of management ensuring that workers produce, their best at the most cheapest rate in the shortest possible time, while workers are most concerned with income and security at work (1960.
In this study, the researcher will look at the impact of reward system on organizational productivity, this is looked generally and specifically referring to Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri.
This research will also focus on ways organizations reward can be administered so as to reduce job dissatisfaction and improve the productivity of workers in public agencies in Nigeria.
- statement of the problems
It is observed that there is low productivity in the output of workers in the various organizations. As a follow up observation, it is asserted that this is caused by the fact that the workers and indeed the entire work force were not motivated. The lack of interest in the job shown that the workers as a result of lack of motivation of reward system, variables is the cause of the low productivities. The management workers have been trying to grapple with the problems of how to ensure more output of those performing the work, and the employees have tended to avoid giving their best unless adequately compensated by way of appropriate reward/incentive.
To retain them and get the best out of them, therefore, the researcher attempts to investigate the correlation between reward and productivity in organization and in particular in regards to Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri.
Based on the above, the researcher raised the following question:
- Why do employees avoid giving their best at this?
- Why is it that some reward or incentive do not motivate or make positive impact on some workers for increase in productivity?
- How can employee be induced to work for the interest of the organization?
- Can deterioration working condition lead to workers grievances, low productivity, indiscipline and other organizational difficulties.
- objectives of the study
Since rewards boost workers morale and increase productivities and efficiency in an organization, it is very necessary that attention should be paid to it because what a worker expects from doing a good job are job security recognition, praise, fair treatment, fair supervision, good compensation and justice. The achievement of these variables makes great positive impact both on the workers and management and also serves as the motive for staying in the organization. Their satisfaction also serve as incentive to efficient and effective performance and probably higher productivity.
The study therefore attempts to indentify these various system and its impacts in Federal Polytechnic Nekede with a view of establishing their effect on the productivity of workers in public agencies on the productivity of workers in public agencies in Nigeria. It also intended to find out whether there is any relationship between reward and performance of workers in the public agencies, in other words, does adequate reward system lead to better performance and increase output. However, objectives of the study are as follows: