Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv-v
Table of Contents vi-viii
Proposal ix-x
- Background of the Study
- Statement of the Researcher Problem
- Objective of the Study
- Significant of the Study
- Scope of the Study
- Limitation and Constrains of the Study
2.1 Mode of Inventory
2.2 Cost Criteria in Inventory Control
2.3 Static and Dynamic Inventory Selection Control
2.4 Element Influencing Inventory Selection Polities
2.5 ABC Inventory Classification Control and Period Review
2.6 Relevance of the Review of the Study
3.1 Data Specification
3.2 Procedure for Data Collection
3.3 Techniques of Data Analysis
3.4 Problem of Data Analysis
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis.
4.2 Data Analysis
4.3 Summary of Findings
5.0 Summary Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion
Inventory control in an organization is a system or process of ascertaining of a point in the time the list of goods business time or period. How ever the process is a tools for rapid growth excellence service delivery and as well sustainable or continuous existence of an organization if effectively and efficiently carried out.
Thus, the research hereby intends to vividly discuss on the impact of inventory control in business organization chosen Nigeria limited Ikeja as a case study.
In the quest to present the topic in a precise and understandable masterpiece the researcher has decided to strategically divide the research topic into five distinctive categories or chapters.
The first chapter will cover the introduction and general background to the study. This will initiate a preamble understanding of what the topic entails and addition to this, the aim and objective scope and limitation research question and definition of term will also be discuss.
To further a better understanding of the research topic, the second chapter will extract literatures existentially.
The third chapter, entail the research mythology which implies a method through which information is being gathered thee population of the study e.t.c. The formulated structured questionnaire is thus administered at this stage. Analysis of the information gathered through the questionnaire will be presented in the forth chapter, in a tabular and simple percentage format and the test of hypothesis to validated the appropriateness of the research will be carried out using the chi-square formula.
Lastly the Fifth Chapter summarizes the whole project and equally suggest act of the inventory control to a business organization.
The importance of inventory control in any organization can not be over emphasized. In fact both wholesaler and retail business firm establish and maintain invent ones to meet the possible demand of the customers through the avoidance of running out of stock or stock out cost. And buying higher nice. In addition, minimization of ordering cost , reduction of production cost as well as manufacturing firms keep inventories since manufacturing firms must stock raw materials and component parts in order to meet the demands of the production processes.
Inventory control exists in different size shape and forms to meet a variety of demand. As a result of the importance the current emphasis in management science that reform began with the analysis of inventory control in 1915 develop the first economic cot size equation which was probably the beginning problems.
In 1931, Raymond published in is quantity and economy in manufacturer, in which he develop this idea farther attempting to account for a wide variety of condition. In fact, in the past war period, the management science literature has been filled with the analysis of Inventory and production control system, partly because of the great interest shown by such progressive companies as the Eastman Kodak company, Procter and gamble, johnson and johnson Kodak and a lost of many others.
The word ‘Inventory’ as a stated in the encyclopedia britanica’’ is term use to designate item that are in process of producing goods to be sold. It has also been defined according to mugs wand me ifs R. as the merchandise which is available fore sale but not sold during the year constitution the Inventory of merchandise the year.
Also for clarity sake Burbidge J.L defined it as all of the materials parts supplies expensive tools work in progress and finished products recorded on the book by an organization and kept in the stock room, ware houses or plants ‘’other see it to usable resources that are idle at a given point in time. But in the context of the study of appraising inventory controlling business organization with reference to Nigeria limited. Ikeja which is manufacturing firms Inventory well include raw materials semi finished goods (work in progress) e.g. predict meant from painting and firming (becorceil) as well as finished goods.
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