The concept of worker participation represents a popular theme in the analysis of the world of work among scholars in the fields of industrial sociology, industrial relations as well as management (Noah, 2OO2:2). It refers to any arrangement which is designed to involve employees (workers) in decision making within the workplace. This implies that rather than saddling only a group within the enterprise (for instance, management) with the responsibility of making decision, all those who are to be affected by these decisions (including the workers) would be involved in its formulation and implementation.
In recent times, scholars have directed increasing attention to the issue of worker participation and its broader corollary, industrial democracy (Mankidy, 1984:239; Yesufu, 1984:20; Adenumi; 1993:14; Verma and Syha; 1991:42; Kester;1999:28;). These concerns reflect a growing interest in finding ways to make work more meaningful and satisfying to the workers. This rest on the belief that the organization goals of high productivity and harmonious industrial relations are best achieved when the higher level of the human elements (workers) are satisfied.
Worker participation implies arrangements designed to involve workers in the enterprises decision making process. This allows workers involvement in the initiation, formulation and implementation of reasons within the enterprise. The concept can also be understood in terms of a new approach to industry and society in which people want to be interested with the king of decisions which have direct bearing on them.
MacGregor (1960:40) contends that worker participation consist basically in creating opportunity under suitable conditions for people to influence decisions which affect them. It is a special case of delegation in which the subordinate gain greater control, greater freedom of choice with respect to bridging the communication gap between the management and the workers. This serves to create a sense of belonging among the workers as well as a conducive environment in which both the workers would voluntarily contribute to healthy industrial relations.
The implication of these society, rising education and wider contact among people resulting from the break-up barriers was to shift these aspirations to a more organization of work greater opportunity for personal development and under scope in exercise of initiatives.
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