This study investigates how service delivery in the banking sector is achieved through information communication. The broad objective of the study is to find out if customers respond positively to the information technology items such as the ATM and also to ascertain if banking industry have any problem in adopting the information technology as a means of operative in service delivery. Banks have the problem of inability to meet with it’s raising population of customers, and thus, information technology is paramount which helps in boosting workers morale and shielding customers’ confidence. The study uses the primary source of data to collect through stratified questionnaire. A sample size of 30 was used which was chosen using the simple random sampling technique to eliminate bias among the population. The chi-square statistical tool was used in testing the various hypotheses. The study revealed that information technology is of great importance to the effective banking service delivery and that internet is really needed for effective service delivery in the banking industry. The study concludes that the full move away from the branch-centered organization into virtual banking will require new information technology applications and new managerial practices within the banks’ most profitable market segments. The study recommends among others that there should be periodic educational campaigns about the technological facilities and their usage by the banks to promote customers patronage.
1.1Background to the Study
When we talk about the background we are to dance down to the information meaning of information technology and what is all about, since it is the central of thought.
However, according to Akuwudike and Ugwu (2002), information communication technology is the collection and gathering recording, storage, processing and communication a macro-electronic based, combination of computer and telecommunication technology. It is however, based on the convergence of data processing and communication techniques, the former providing the information while the latter provided the vehicle for disseminating or communicating it is hence, a relatively new filled that combines the technology of the computer with that of telecommunications and therefore represents the latest form of man-machine interface.