This project dealt precisely on the detail analysis of assessment in an organizational set up known as performance appraisal its importance, the benefit, the uses, approaches implementation as well as appraisal feed back in an organization. The research is carried out purposely to fill the requirement for the award of the higher national diploma in cooperative studies. It is therefore purely and academic fulfillment. The write up take the following shape. In chapter one the researcher gave a brief introduction of the subject matter, a general concepts of performance appraisal. Chapter two is the review of related literature as it affect the topic of discussion. It also dealt with definition of the concept of performance appraisal in relation to the case study. Chapter three dealt with the method used for collection of data for this write up the reasons for adopting the methods and the benefits derivable from such methods are also discussed.
Analysis of data collected was done in chapter four using the tabular representation to illustrate the findings of the study, results of the study revealed that effective utilization of performance appraisal is a yard stick in enhancing and achieving organizational growth. Chapter five dealt with the conclusion, summary and recommendation such as the motion of performance appraisal should be focused on the employee’s job performance rather than on the employee himself, that is emphasis should be on result or productivity. To award the risk of personal prejudice appraisal should be done, possibly by the appraises initiate senior
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