The researcher embarked upon this study to help small-scale business organization in pinpointing some of the need for auditing and investigation. Kicking against the effective of small-scale business. So recommendation can be made to offset the situation. Base on this finding, the researcher believes if those recommendations are carried out the survival and growth of small scale business will be a reality. In the process of carrying involved in this are money, time information gathering etc.
This research project is composed of five chapters. Chapter one is about the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, the scope of the study and the significance of the study. Chapter two is review of related literature, chapter three is about research design and methodology, chapter four is findings and chapter five is about the discussion of result, conclusion, recommendation and limitation of the study.
The work of an auditor in any organization cannot be looked beyond or over emphasized. This is because in earlier years when there was no auditor to take proper care of the organizational financial statement, many organizations.