Historically, the commonest enemy o the people of rural communities in all races or cultures is the tax collectors. In the bible, they were regarded as sinners just for the sake of their freely chosen and legitimately recognized occupation. In the biblical context, it was even offensive to meant containing oneself. Imagine the degree of hatred! The history of other cultures despite the same picture of hatred for both. The tax (tribute) collectives and their employees.
The history of Empires such as the old Roman Empires, the British Empire, Empire of Western Sudan and those of Hausa State, just to mention a few, were sustained by tribute (taxes) paid y their subjects. The common attribute of all these tributes is that their collection generated a lot of controversies. Here in Nigeria, it can be recalled that imposition and payment of taxes were one of the most outstanding activities of the colonial Government. Through different methods, the British were able to impose taxes on the citizens who viewed them as unwarranted extortion and exploitation. The situation has not changed since independence. Regime aer regime has been face with the problem of resistance of tax payment y the citizens who, like their colonial generation regard tax payment as an expenditure in futility, a distasteful exercise, an avoidable loss, a legalized extortion and punitive measure by the greedy government. Even the rapid development in education has not done much to influence the negative attitude towards tax payment.
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