Inventory valuation allows companies to provide a monetary value for items that make up their inventory (stock). Inventories are usually the largest current asset of a business and are as important as funds (cash). It is a form of fund tied up in assets (current assets). It‟s proper or accurate measurement or valuation cannot be overlooked as it forms a greater percentage of an enterprise‟s current assets in particular and a total asset in general. For manufacturing companies, inventories usually represent approximately 20 to 60 percent (%) of their assets. If inventory is not properly valued, it may result that expenses and revenue may as well not be properly matched and a company could make poor business decisions that will affect the company‟s profit. It is essential the way assets are valued because it could be attributable to the numerous benefits which an organization stands to gain by keeping an accurately valued stock that meet shareholders needs, demands for financial information and also the relevant specification of a particular organization.
However, it will be a waste of time if the record accuracy is poor.Inventory in manufacturing company or concern comprises of the following components: Raw materials inventory Work- in- progress (semi- finished goods) inventory Finished goods inventory These components show the relationship between production and sales, and it enables an organization to offer better service to its customers at a reasonable price. However, the technique or method used in the valuation of inventories varies and the values placed on inventories vary in time with the prevailing economic parameters (inflation, deflation or static economy) and it can also be influenced by the management policy of the organization. For instance, if the objective of an enterprise is that of profit maximization, it may result to the use of a particular method so as to disclose lower profit, thereby using excess fund at its disposal to expand its operations. This type of organization may discard other methods of valuing inventories in favour of the method that suit it objectives. According to Nwoha (2006:69), no area of accounting has produced wider difference in practice than the computation of amount at which inventories (stocks) and work-in-progress as stated in financial account.
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