The place and value of manpower planning as a resource for
organizational productivity and success cannot be overemphasized, we are concerned business resources, the
organization of physical and financial resources cannot take place until manpower are organized, and the
effectiveness of the organizational scheme depend on the manner in which manpower are utilized. Every thing on
power is a sense, therefore we do not organize physical ad financial resources we organized people who in turn
are responsible for the utilization of resources. That concept of manpower, planning must be applied to all
resources or face the probability that their resources will not be maximized. Indeed individual firms or
organization cannot do without manpower, our knowledge of elementary economics inform us that labour (i.e.
power) is the human effort, mental or physical exerted in the production of goods and services it is one of the very
important factor of production; other are land, capital and entrepreneur (equally an aspect of manpower). The
realization of objective by organizations, private or public greatly depend on the skill, caliber, competence and
experience of it work force. The point of emphasis here is that the success or failure of organisation is not
unconnected with the manpower it recruits, maintain and develop in the course of its operational life. Interesting,
of all the tasks of management, managing the human component in an organization is the central and most
important task, because all management depend on how it is done this reveal the obvious fact that all the
activities carried out, performed or engaged in by an organization as well as the nation are initiated, determined,
planned, implemented and evaluated by the manpower. It is the realization of the important of manpower to
national development and attainment of set organizational objective, that necessitated its planning and control.
Moore in 1980 defined manpower planning as a process which aim to ensure the efficient use of people. He
further commented that manpower planning is concerned with making sure that the right number of workers are in
the right place at the right time, possessing appropriate range of skill and expertise. Another group of scholars
Torrighton et al gave their definition of manpower planning when they noted that the emphasis (of manpower
planning) is on ensuring that the organization has the right number of people with the right skill in the right place at
the right time. In every organization manpower planning activities can be visibly identified at three levels. These
are policy level, planning level and operating level.
Policy Level: The various skill to be recruited and the method to be adopted for such recruitment exercise are
formulated at this level other decision and activities include recommending method for generating storms and
retrieving manpower information (i.e. manpower information system), formulating and developing a frame work for
internal transfers, promotions, discipline and termination of employee and appointments and sourcing and
allocating the required financial resources to execute manpower programmes and activities.
Planning level: This level involve activities like establishing recruitment system of the organization. Setting the
standard criteria for selection of candidates fitting in place administrative procedure for provision of central
information; and establishing systems for dealing with issues like internal transfer, promotions, discipline and
termination of appointments.
Operating level: This level is actually responsible for implementation of issue decided at the policy level through
the use of systems framework and settings established at the planning level. It includes interviewing both
applicants for employment and existing employee, administering and conducting test of skill and aptitudes
designing and placing advertisement for available job vacancies; establishing relationships with external sources
of manpower supply’ and compiling human resources planning date. Meanwhile a number of factors serves as a
constraints to the validity of manpower plan in an organization, these include:
Planning period: Time span to a certain extend affects manpower planning, the longer the period covered the
higher the tendency for variance to exist between forecast and actual situation and vice –versa Kemembering that
the aim of most manpower plans is to avoid minimist uncertainty of demand and supply of human resources,
which is affected by changes occurring within the general and specific environment of organization.
Unpredictable nature of human asset: The human assets change like weather, hence passing a serious
challenge to the prease study. Measurement or investigation (Krelter, 1999 p. 48) since human beings cannot be
reduced to laboratory test and they constitute a key success factor, planning targets and aches, as a matter of
necessity have to be adjusted and reviewed continuously as the occasion demands.
Uncertainty in General business environment: The realities of changes, which occur frequently in both the
external and internal environment of business organization reveal the general nature of planning which is
uncertainty (Kreithner, Ibid, p. 162). Meaning that manpower planning is a continues never-ending process
demand reviews, adjustments, and readjustment of goal and expectation. Thus flexibility in planning becomes
vital in order to attain established organizational objective.
Unification of manpower planning approaches: Another obvious limitation of manpower planning is the
inability to arrive at a consensus on a single line of approach/practice in organizations such an approach should
systematically focus on identification of future manpower needs and problems as may be occasioned by the fast
changing environment of business.
The need for manpower planning: It is very important to note that organizations need to plan for how to deal
with the problems of advancement in technology of production, information technology and computerization as it
affects how jobs are to be performed in organization and by whom. Focus on manpower planning is base on the
fact that every departments in an organization need to be catered for in term of their manpower need. It is also
becoming increasingly challenging to train manpower for all occupational types in view of the impact of
information and technological advancements and computer jet age syndrome. Every organization are
interested in adequate coordination of all unit and departments hence effective manpower planning must be put in
place. And now the cost of labour in an organization is on the increase these past year, therefore organizations
must adequately and carefully planned to ensure attainment of optimal result. It is also very important to focus on
the relevance of manpower planning on organization. Manpower planning provides information relevant for
conducting a successful training programme, making possible a purposeful retraining and development of existing
manpower such training programmes should not only be related to present job requirements, but equally to future
job requirements from the point of view of bother organizational development and individual skills development.
The integration of manpower planning into the overall business or organizational planning process will generate
information that can reveal the true cost of future development for example if a company is planning to introduce a
new service facility or better still introducing enhanced staffing allowances and incentives the true cost could be
easily arrived at using manpower planning tools, overestimation of cost will reflect an unrealistic expensive
venture thus discouraging its introduction, while and under estimation in this case will make the new facility or
product unrealistically cheap. The implication is operating either at a loss or at a disadvantaged angle should the
facility or product be introduced. Finally effective manpower planning can also ease the difficulties of recruitment.
It should be remembered that recruitment is equally a costly and time consuming activity similarly delays in
recruitment have the tendency of destroying staff morale. Hence manpower planning at this point is expected to
highlight not only the turnover patterns but as well indicate possible factors responsible for such.
One of the problem confronting management in any organization is the effective way of matching people with
jobs. The perenia question that experts often ask is whether we should design job to suit the individual or get the
individual fit into a job position, before this question is answered, it is to observed that one of the function of
management is to determine it manpower need. “The process by which management attempt to provide for it
human resources to accomplish its task” is called manpower planning, all enterprises must plan their manpower
formally or informally. Manpower is necessary in all organizations it will be difficult to know the number of
personnel required for recruitment to be reassigned, due for retirement or that need to be retained for better
utilization. Manpower planning reduces excessive recruitment, training and transfers and thereby save
management cost and time. BRUCECOLEMAN in his work “AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR MANPOWER
PLANNING” observed that the major changes in population, technology Renovation and size complexity of
organization have made informed method of employment planning absolute for all but very small and stable
organization. Uncertainty in general business environment, the realities of changes, which occur frequently in both
the external and internal environment of business organization, reveal the general nature of planning which is
uncertainly. KREITHNER, IBID, p. 162 meaning that manpower planning is a continues never – ending process,
demanding reviews, adjustments readjustment of goals and expectation. Thus flexibility in planning become vital
in order to attain established organization objective. Unpredictable nature of human asset, the human assets
changes like weather, hence posing a serious challenge to the precise study, measurement or investigation
KREITHNER 1999 P. 48 since human being cannot be reduce to laboratory test and they constitute a key success
factor planning targets and aches as a matter of necessity have to be adjusted and reviewed continuously as the
occasion demand. Unification of manpower planning approaches, another obvious limitation of manpower
planning is the inability to arrive at a consensus on a single line of approach/practice in organization such an
approach should systematically focus on the identification of future manpower need and problems, as may be
occasioned by the fast changing environment of business.
The researcher of this study is of the view that manpower is very important factor on organization performance in
Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Kaduna. It is a major tool Management uses to implement its good objective which
are geared toward the survival of the organization, manpower would not be of any value if it is not productive. The
aim and objectives is to examine the effect of manpower planning on organization performance in Nigeria Bottling
Company Plc Kaduna. – The researcher work will aid the organization identify its lapses and study it in regard
to manpower planning. – It will also aid in identifying the operational factor which hampers the effective and
efficient manpower planning of the organization on manpower planning as it affect organization performance. –
To encourage a good match between manpower recruitment and manpower requirement.
The research has chosen to formulate the following hypothesis base on the data collected HO: That proper
manpower planning has no effect on organization performance. H1: That proper manpower planning has positive
effect on organization performance.
The main purpose of this study is to show the significant of manpower in an organization and indicate how it helps
to improve organization performance. There is no gainsaying the fact that human resources or manpower is a vital
asset to an organization it is worth noting however that it is an expensive asset demanding the application of
policies and strategies that will lead to the recovery of amount invested and as well gurantee optimal return on
investment. Therefore, this study will be of tremendous help to both public and private organization to focus on
effective manpower planning to achieve organization goals and objective and its also serves as academic discipline for other research.
This study is intended to cover the effect of manpower, planning on organization performance in Nigeria Bottling
Company Plc, Kaduna. Also lack of cooperation from the staff and mostly importantly, lack of encouragement by
the management of the organization and administrative bottlenecks acted as impediments to this study.
Manpower: Is the Human effort, mental or physical, exerted in the production of goods and services. Planning: Is
a process concerned with defining ends, means and conduct of every level of organizational life. It is a
management activity which begins by defining the aim and objective of the organization.Organization: Is the
process of dividing work into convenient task or duties by creating and maintaining like group to achieve specific
objective. Manpower planning: Manpower planning is a process which aims to ensure the efficient use of people
through making sure that the right number of workers are in the right place at the right time, possessing
appropriate range of skills and expertise. Manpower planning seeks to maintain and improve an organization
ability to achieve corporate objective by developing strategies which are design to increase the present and future contribution of manpower.