A system is a collection of inter-related and inter-connected components that work together to perform or carryout a specific task in order
to accomplish a particular goal. For every system, security is a paramount issue. Due to multiple security incidents around the world and
the loss of sensitive data, it has become necessary to put in place a mechanism to prevent unauthorized access into the server housing a
sensitive system such as the Student Result Processing System through scripts run on the website. This project is therefore concerned
with designing and implementing a Php/MySQL to serve as the security mechanism between the front-end and back-end of the already
existing Student Result Processing System. The Student Result Processing System automatically handle students’ activities in the
Department ranging from student registration, keeping of students’ files for decision making, computation and generation of students’
grade points and transcripts respectively.
The problems identified to be solved by this project include the following:
The safety of students records located on the server.
The location of administrator passwords in the script file easily accessible via the website.
Easy access and 4available of student transcript on demand.
The major purpose of this study is to design and implement a secure database system to record and manage student information and
their result from year one to final year.
This project work will be of immense help in securing student details and results stored on the Student Result Processing System in the
Departments of Computer Science and prevent malicious attacks and ease the delay experienced in the manual examination result
processing system. Below are the advantages of this project:
Provide a security mechanism for the Students’ Result Processing System.
To ensure reliability and transparency in the creation and computation of results
It provides security mechanism to check student or sta mischievous act of changing marks or grades on the result sheet.
The system is secure from unauthorized access that can eect changes in grades of students and generation of accurate and error
free student results information is assured.
The separation of the front end and the back end to ensure data stored on the server is secure.
It will ensure high level quality service development of the management which will ensure that students are not subjected to undue
suffering in collection of their transcript or clearance prior to the deployment for youth service.