The United Nations (U.N) is an international organization that was established just right after the Second world war where by the Allied forces defeated the Axis powers. The UN as it is generally called was established to bring a new beginning and shape to global politics after the ruins of the second world war . One must also put into account that the United Nations is established based on the mantle of the failed League Of Nations established after the first world war put failed to achieve it aims and objectives of establishment which led to the break out of the Second world war. The name “United Nation” was devised by United state former President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was first used in the “Declaration by United Nations” of 1st January 1942 , during the Second world war when representatives of the 26 nations pledged their government to continue fighting together against Axis Power. The UN charter was drawn up by the representatives of the 50 countries at the conference on International Organization which met in San Francisco from 25th April to 26 June, this was in connection to the proposal drawn up in the United states at Dumbarton Oaks in August -October 1944 by China , Soviet Union , United Kingdom and the United states. All theses became official and generally accepted by 24th October 1945 when all the concerned states had ratified the UN charter (The American Forum For Global Education (2010)). With the initial member state of 51 (Poland which was not present at the first signing stage was later allowed to sign making it 51) ,the UN has grown over the years from 51 to 189 member state as at 2001. The UN is accompanied by some structures which see to the carrying out of it activities across the globe ; the general assembly which is equally represented by all member states with equal vote , the secretariat headed by the UN general
secretary :” the UN secretariat has matured into a competent international bureaucracy much larger and more complex than anticipated in 1945; the secretary-general once considered to be an administrator has become major world leader”( Jean E. Kranso; 2001), the UN economic and social council called ECOSOC in charge of the special institutions and agencies and deals with the economic and social issues that arises around the globe , the dormant Trusteeship council which was essential in the fight for global independent from colonial rule, also is the international court of justice to maintain checks and balances to all UN resolutions and our main concern the Security Council which is one of the most powerful council of the UN and in the world. The United Nation is aimed at ” the mission to maintain world peace , develop good relations between countries, promote cooperation in solving the world’s problems and encourage a respect for human rights” (Student Handout : Background On The United Nations). With this mission statement the UN has achieved the aim of 191 member state as of recent days .The UN has its headquarters in New York , United States whereby the territory is considered an international territory with separate flag and entity. The official language of the UN are Arabic , Chinese, English , French ,Russian and Spanish.( Student Handout : Background On The United Nations)