This study investigated the effect of sexuality education among household and adolescents’ risky sexual behaviour in Ibadan north local government area of Oyo State. It was discovered from real life observation and past research works done by various scholars that sex education was not welled managed among parents, care givers, the school system and the community at large. The principal factor of these has led to an immoral behaviour which the results firmly negative to the norms of the society. In controlling the menace, there is urgent need for all stake holders in child moulding to engage in uninterrupted war against risky sexual behaviour to foster human dignity and pride of the society in preventing unwanted pregnancies and contamination of sexually transmitted disease and HIV-Aids among young adolescence.
The study adopted a descriptive survey design with a sample of one hundred and nineteen (119) participants which was randomly selected to examine the studied relationship among the variables; however, the variables in the study were highlighted below. Data were collected using a pilot tested variables asadolescence sexuality risky behaviour scale (α=0.85), sexual abstinence motivation scale (α=0.79), risky type of sexual behaviour scale (α=0.89) and sex education scale (α=0.76). Six research questions hypothesis were answered. Data were analysed using Descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation, T-test analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The independent variables (sexual abstinence, risky type of sexual behaviour, sex education) hadsignificant relationship with adolescence sexuality risky behaviour; F (3, 116) = 103.692, P<0.001. The independent variables jointly account accounted for 72.3% (Adj.R2= .723) variance in the prediction of risky sexual behaviour of adolescences while the most potent predictor factor was sex education (Beta = .676, t= 10.982, P<0.001). Findings further reveal that female adolescents (mean=57.857) display higher tendency to engage in risk taking behaviour than their male counterpart (mean= 42.571) as divulged in the mean difference in the study.
Based on the findings it was concluded that thorough sensitisation and core orientation towards sex education must be given to all adolescence both at home and in the four walls of the classroom and the community at large. However, it was recommended that parents has to play a pivotal roles in educating their children including the school counsellor by organising a regular educational programmes that will led to a positive turn around in avoidance of sexually risky behaviour.
1.1 Background to the Study
Access to effective, broadly based sexual health education is an important contributing factor to the health and well-being of youths’ (Health Canada, 2003; Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, 2004). There has been considerable concern in many countries in the world about the sexual and reproductive health of young people, in part because of their perceived increased vulnerability to the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (Knode-lule et al., 1997; Preston-Whyte, 1994; Scommegna, 1996; Twa-Twa et al., 1997), the potential risks to their health due to early pregnancy (AbouZahr & Royston, 1991; Barreto et al., 1992; United Nations, 1989), and the negative consequences of early and non-marital childbearing to young people’s life prospects (Hayes, 1987). School-based programes are an essential avenue for providing sexual health education to young people in the society.