Management of human resources is that functions of the enterprises which provides for effective utilization of people to achieve both the objectives of the enterprises and satisfaction and development of employees.
The survival of any organization depends on the proper management of its materials financial and human resources.
The management of all these human resources is in the hands of destined human beings. Human resources management in the collaboration with other resources makes a business or an organization to run effectively.
But the most important of these is man; people are keys elements an organization activity focuses on. How well the man feels on an organization with in on doubt determine his productivity. Therefore the concern of every organization should centered on the satisfaction of man.
An organization man produce or render services like any other organization in the same business with the same resources employed or utilized, but they may differ in productivity as a result of efficient human resources management.
The importance of human resources management in relation to productivity in an organization ‘can not be over emphasized because it’s the life more and soul or heart beat of every organization.
In any organization resources are basically grouped in two i.e. human and material resources, among these resource desired for the provision of goods and services, the most difficult to the manager its human resource, regardless of what product or service an organization provides and no matter what it’s size, age or location.
It must procure human resources in order to remain viable. Further, if the organization is to survive, it must design programmes to develop it’s human resources to their fullest capacities and maintain on going worker commitment.
Human resource management as it practiced today recognized the dynamic and interaction of personal function with each other and with objectives of the organization.
Most important it recognizes that human resource planning must be coordinated closely with organization strategies and related planning functions.
As a result effort in human resources management is being directed towards providing support for achievement of profit of government organization. Human resources planning is clearly not just concerned with numbers. Plans for training, redeployment, promotion and productivity all indicates the importance of getting three right staffs in the right jobs, as well as the right numbers. For personal or human resources to enhance higher productivity.
In most our organization today, productivity of workers is far below expectation, business many organization incur a lot of lost as a form of wastage caused by management of the organization. In which workers are unable to perform their various job effectively to enhance productivity. Another problem face by industry is lack of due training and development programmes, in job dissatisfaction most employees don’t find it easy in doing the job assign to them in the because the don’t have the necessary skills and talent needed to make them handle construction job effectively. Another diver stating problem is increase rate of labor turn over in the industry as result of the workers inability to satisfying and accomplishing the construction task assign to them on time. Another problem is the construction industry lack of adequate and competent human resource department who can bring adequate productivity to the industry.
The above mentioned problems have nothing to offer the industry and rather than decrease in service deliver which in turn effects the overall enhancement of the productivity. The only or one of the major solutions to these problems is for the industry to embark on adequate training and development programmes, and to initiate adequate and proper human resources management departments which will help in selecting the adequate workers that will embark the industry to enhance higher productivity and also good construction work.
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