1.1 Background of the Study
Advertising and sales promotion are becoming very regular in our world today especially with the downturn in the economy and the consequent decimation of consumers purchasing power. In any production setting, it is believed that the production process is not complete until the goods and services get to the final consumers. Marketing as a concept involves the integration of advertising and sales promotion strategies which must be effectively carried out during and after the production of the products or services towards the effective and efficient satisfaction of consumer. Advertisements and commercials are available now in any media you turn to, on every newspaper, magazines, article, billboard adverts are everywhere especially in the urban places. There is always one sales promotion or the other going on at any point in time.
Advertising has been defined by the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) as a form of communication through media, about products, services or ideas paid for by an identified sponsor.
The American Marketing Association and research professional defined Advertising as “any paid form of non –personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor’.
From Communication perspective, advertising has been defined as “a form of paid mass communication intended to persuade prospects to prefer a brand or type of certain goods, services or ideas to all others or others in the same category, and thus to move and induce them to patronize the goods or services or adopt the ideas”. The communication oriented definition has been further broken down for practical purposes by its author “saying the right things about the right product, service, or idea to the right people, in the right way, at the right time and place.
Sales promotion on the hand is any activity engaged in by a company to create a buying desire and an immediate reaction from customers, middlemen or company’s sales force. It comes in the form of raffle, giving out samples, and other branded items. It is aimed at creating a buying desire, rewarding loyal customers or attracting attention to product improvement.
Billboard advertisements and signage are communication infrastructure which do not only interact with the public commercially but doubling as landscape furniture that add beautification to the overall events happening in outdoor spaces. Billboards\ ability to highlight the attributes and benefits of a specific product or brand and cause patronage is directly related to its ability to persuade the target audience. This is called economic influence and it is called for, going by the findings in Loto (2011) which indicate that for decades, Nigeria has been experiencing disappointing performance in terms of growth in Gross Domestic products (GDP) and the general development of her economy.(Femi,2013)
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