Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company. This study focused on marketing research in service industry, in order to carryout the study, the following objectives amongst others were states; To ascertain the proportion of, marketing
budget allocated to the marketing research activities
in a .given period of Five selected service organization. To ascertain,, jf the marketing research activities increase the number of policy holders in five selected service organization. , Based on the stated objectives, three hypothesis were formulated, they are: Ho:. Marketing research does not create awareness ,of Five selected service organization. Ml: Marketing research creates awareness of Five selected service organization .In the process of the study, th.e following finding were revealed that Five selected service organization at one time or the other engaged in marketing research activities. That the company has a marketing research department at the headquarters only but not at the zonal offices. That marketing research activities increase the number of policy holders. That marketing research activities increase the profit level of the company. In view of .the releasing findings, recommendation on ‘. how to apply marketing research for the success of the company were offered. In conclusion, the ultimate aim of using marketing research is geared towards customers satisfaction at a profit to the company, so Five selected service organization is advised to continue putting marketing research-into effective u:.;e.
Organizations use many types of resources to function. One of the most valuable, often the least understood, is their knowledge base. Management is unable to take formed decisions without knowledge and the quality of that organization knowledge, skills, resides primarily in employees but can also be collected in data bases. The knowledge base covers all aspects of the organizations activities products, technology, human resources- finance, sales and marketing and is a wasting asset requiring constant dating, improvement and extension to keep abreast with changes in the operational environment.
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