Nowadays. Inspite of the vast number of churches and religious activities in our streets and cities, promiscuity is on the high side among our unmarried undergraduates. In the days of our forefathers it was not so. The resultant eect of this degradation among undergraduate has given causes for alarm as they are unable to control their sexual desire.
Today, sexual transmitted diseases are virtually in every home. Unwanted pregnancies and illegitimate children have flooded several homes. Given the fact that the target population here is primarily college undergraduates are relevant questions is whether providing contraceptive to undergraduates is socially accepted. Sex is like electricity which has a tremendous force for good but when electricity runs wild, it is a terrible power for evil. Millions of good undergraduates have a wrong way use of sex, their lives twisted as if lightened have struck them. On the outside they look alright, you might never guess that sexual mistake have almost killed their happiness inside. The negative result of this uncontrollable force needs to be checked by the use of contraceptive. Our undergraduates need to guide against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. So in this write-up we shall be looking at sexually and contraceptive among college undergraduates.
Sexuality and contraceptive among undergraduates with regards to those students who specified colleges of education as their institutions is the concern of this study. The study of sexuality and contraceptive will invariably touch upon some socially explosive issues. Sexual promiscuity contraception, abortion, illegitimacy, prostitution and homosexuality are controversial issues. The change roles in our society should encouraged enlightenment programme on sex education with main focus on youths and undergraduates.
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