Tourism Boards are established by various government to accrue revenue. And the tourism Boards cannot have the revenue without letting the general populace know what they have to offer. And this can be done through any of the promotional mix variables.
This research work is aimed at finding out the role advertising plays in tourism development.
Chapter one contains a general discussion of the role advertising plays in tourism development. It went further to state the problem to be studied and why this study was carried out the scope, limitation of the study and finally the significance of the study and the definition of term. A number of post – related literatures examined by other studies as it relates to the role of advertising in tourism. Development were highlighted in chapter two.
Chapter three deals with the design of the study, the method used in collecting relevant data. It also deals with the way the questionnaires were distributed and the treatment of data. The data got from the research survey were analyzed and interpreted.
Finally, the summary of findings, conclusion on the research and recommendations made by the researcher are all in chapter five.
If tourism boards put the recommendation made in the study to use, they will satisfy their customers and also increase in profit level. Thereby making the problems of tourism a thing of the past.
Advertising is one phrase that has been given different definitions by authors and these definitions in various ways portray what advertising is all about.
According to Tother (1988) advertising refers to any non personal or one – way form of communication conducted through paid media under dear sponsorship.
Stanton W.J (1983) says that advertising consist of all the activity involved in presenting to a group, a non – personal, oral or usual, openly sponsored message regarding a product, service or idea.
According to American marketing association (1960) “advertising can be defined as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor”.
In (2002) Rotler defined, advertising as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
From the above definitions, it is obvious that advertising is a paid communication undertaken by an identified sponsor and governing all business activities. These activities may include placement of announcement and messages of products and services on the television, radio, magazines, newspaper, outdoor leaflets etc. with the aim of creation awareness.
Advertising is important at the introductory stage because when a company introduces a new product or services, it has to inform its potential customers of the existence of such product or services. The need for it, where it can be found, how it can be used and in some cases the price at which it can be obtained. It is also very important in sustaining already existing product or services in the market. This is because one cannot take up an airplane and cut often the engine. Advertising is the force that elevate the products or services high and if it is suddenly cut off there will be a downward phase of the product and services.
Moreover, advertising has proved to be more efficient and less costly source of information than any other sources (Wright et al 1983). Another important aspect of advertising is that it creates or stimulates demand for a product or service through persuasion.
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