The study is focus on Educated Workforce: A catalyst for human resource development in Nigeria organizations using (NBC) Nigerian Bottling company Plc 9th Mile Corner Enugu as an areas of concentration. However, existing literature on the study were reviewed and in order to be more objective and definitive, the researcher administered questionnaires to NBC Nigerian Bottling company Plc 9th Mile Corner Enugu. The data collected from the respondents were classified and tabulated to allow the use of percentage analysis ttables, chi-square distribution test and test of hypotheis. Within the limit of the experimental gap, the test accepts the fact that the introduction of educated workforce. A catalyst for human resource development in Nigerina organizations has actually contributed significantly to employees performance. However, the research finally recommends that the company should resort to the use of performance evaluation result to determine who qualifies for training. Management should not nominate trainees all the time to reduce ill feeling among the employees. The company should reward employees after training through promotion and financial benefits to reduce high workers turnover. The human resource development training of workers should be more regular so as to maintain the tempo of motivation that comes through human resource development.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
Chapter One: Introduction
- Background of the Study 1
- Statement of the Problem 4
- Objectives of the Study 6
- Research Questions 7
- Research Hypothesis 7
- Scopes and Limitations of the Study 8
- Significance of the Study 9
- Organizational Structure of NBC Plc Enugu 10
- The Stockholders 12
- Board of Directors 12
- The Managing Director/General Manager 12
- The Company Secretary 13
- Major Department within the Organization 13
1.8 Definition of Terms 17
Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature
2.0 Introduction 20
2.1 Human Resource Development: An Overview 20
2.2 Human Resource Development and Training
Programme of NBC Plc Enugu 24
2.3 Identifying Employ Training and Development 26
2.4 Types of Methods of Human Resource Training
Programme 29
2.4.1 On-the-Job Training 30
2.4.2 Off-the-Job Training 31
2.4.3 Management Training 32
2.4.4 Supervisory Training 33
2.4.5 Induction Training 34
2.4.6 Objective Training 34
2.5 Methods of Techniques of Human Resource
Training Programme 35
- Problems associated with Human Resource
Development Training Programme 40
- Evaluating Employee Human Resource
Development Training Programme 42
2.7.1 Special Programme Evaluation 42
2.7.2 Overall Evaluation 45
2.8 Benefit of Human Resource Development 45
2.9 Summary of the Literature Review 46
Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction 51
3.1 Research Design 51
3.2 Sources of Data 52
3.3 Interview Questions 53
3.4 Population and Samples Used 53
3.5 Reliability and Validity Test 55
3.6 Data Treatment Techniques 56
3.6.1 Percentage Analysis 56
3.6.2 Chi-Square Distribution (X2) 56
3.7 Problems of Data Collection 58
Chapter Four: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
4.0 Introduction 59
4.1 Presentation and Analysis of Data
Questionnaire Distribution and Collection 60
4.2 Interpretation of Finding 72
4.3 Test of Hypothesis 75
Chapter Five: Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.0 Introduction 83
5.1 Summary of Finding 83
5.2 Recommendation 84
5.3 Conclusion 87
5.4 Suggestion for Further Research 88
Bibliography 90
Appendix 94
4.1 Response Ratio of Respondents 60
4.2 Sex of the Respondents 60
4.3 Age Distribution of the Respondents 60
4.4 Academic Qualification of the Respondents 61
4.5 Number of Years of Experience of Respondents in the
Organization 62
4.6 Position of Workers in the Organization 63
4.7 Engagement of the Company Human Resource
Development 63
- Types of Human Resource Development
Training Programme Practiced by the Company 64
- Employees Benefiting from Human Resource
Training in the Company 65
- How often the Organization Trains and Develop
their Workforce 66
4.11 How Workers are Considered for Training 67
4.12 Human Resource Development Programme of
Of the Company 68
- Tailoring of Organizational Human Resource
Development needs Depends on the level of Education
Workforce 69
- Employees Satisfaction Skill and Empowerment
Through Human Resource Development leads to Education
Workforce of an Organization 70
- Human Resource Development Leads to more effective
Control System in an Organization and this make Employees
Adhere to Management Policies 71
An examination of the most successful and efficient organizations usually reveals that a qualified and satisfied educated work force make a whole lot of difference between mediocrity and success. To make the workforce suitable for tasks and jobs required training, which invariably leads to job satisfaction and its attendant increase in productivity and growth.
According to Mulins (1996:634), one major area of the personnel function of particular relevance to the effective use of human resources in training and development. Few people use of argue against the importance of training as a major influence on the success of an organization. Staff is a crucial but expensive resource. In order to sustain economic and effective performance it is important to optimize the contribution of employees to the aims and goals of the organization.
Drucker (1981:125) notes that in many organizations, it is observed that the quantity and quality of output need to be improved. The cost of waste and equipment maintenance needs to be lowered while employees obsolence needs to be prevented. The success of any enterprise depends entirely on the effectiveness of its human resources on their job. In the wordsk, resources are not made by nature but by man. This is true of two key resources – the human being and capital. Indeed, human being as such is not a “resource”. He becomes a resources only if trained developed and allocated to productive work.
Desatrick (1972:65) notes that every organization, regardless of it size must provide for the needs, interest and desires of its employees within the work environment. It therefore follows that productivity is the function of ability, motivation and situation factors. And organization may have employees of ability and determination, with appropriate equipment and managerial support, yet motivation, commitment, productivity and growth fall bellow target.
Mullins (1976:6634) notes that the general movement towards the downsizing of organization and the nature of management moving towards the devolution of power to the workforce give an increase emphases to an environment of coaching and support. Training is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of staff who are technically and socially competent, and capable of carrier advancement into specialist departments or management positions. There is, therefore, a continual need for the process of staff development and training fulfils an important part of this process. Training should be viewed, therefore, as an integral part of the process to total quality management.
Golstein (1974:75) defines training as the systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts or attitudes that result in improved performance in another environment.
Ajuogu (1995:52) notes that the function of recruitment and selection of employees represent only the initial stages in the building of an efficient and stable s workforce. Workers also require continuous development if their potential is to be utilized effectively.
The primary purpose of the existence of any organization is to accomplish some set goals. Since the degree of accomplishment depends immensely on the quality of its members, an organization therefore has to be concerned with the availability and the improvement of human resources.
The main part of any training and development programme is directed towards preparing individuals to meet future needs. All the employees regardless of their previous training, education, experiences need to be shown how to prefer specific tasks. Training of workers should not be confined to sending people on courses or putting them in formal learning situations.
Since improving current performance and developing potentiality is all training. On the job training with supervision by staff line management could be better bearing in mind the introduction of new technologies and methods.
Flippo (1980:63) notes that no organization has a choice of whether to develop its employees or not, the only choice is that of method. One of the greatest problems of organizations today is the determination and choice of training and development methods that will accomplish their goals. The real objective of company training and development programme should be to help optimize the use of manpower resources of the enterprise for increased productivity.
However, employees are not just trained for their own benefits only but the organization stands to gain a lot from them. The manpower training and development programme is a very important activity that the management of any organization whether large or small, cannot afford to miss. This because it plays a large role in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.