290. Seminar (1) Seminar—1 hour. Reports and discussions of topics of interest in genetics, nutrition, and physiology as they apply to animal science. Seminar—1 hour. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Current research in animal science explored at weekly seminars presented by guest lecturers. Discussion of research presented. May be repeated for credit. Supervised teaching—6 hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Practical experience in teaching Animal Science at the University level; curriculum design and evaluation; preparation and presentation of material. Assistance in laboratories, discussion sections , and evaluation of student work. An evaluation letter sent to the Graduate Adviser with a copy to the student. Advising Center for the major (including peer advising) is located in 1202 Meyer Hall 530-754-7915. Each student will be assigned a faculty adviser through this office upon entering the major. The Animal Science and Management major combines a thorough education in the basic biology of domestic animal species with a strong background in agricultural economics. Graduates of this interdis-ciplinary major will be well positioned to adjust to our rapidly changing world and job market. The Program.
The interdisciplinary program in Animal Science and Management combines a fundamental background in the natural sciences (chemistry , biology, physiology, nutrition, genetics, mathematics, and behavior), with an understanding of economics and humanities. After completing preparatory courses, students focus on both the animal species that interest them (horses, cattle, sheep, companion animals, goats, fish, crustaceans or mollusks, among others) and principles of managerial economics (marketing, finance, business organization or systems analysis). Students preparing for medical or veterinary school can meet professional entrance requirements with those of this major if they plan ahead. Career Alternatives. Job opportunities for successful graduates are plentiful and include positions with banking and financial institutions, agribusiness, Peace Corps, and farms of all scales. Most Animal Science and Management graduates are well prepared for professional study (medical, law, veterinary , and graduate business schools) as well as graduate research programs leading to the M.S. or Ph.D. degrees. Advanced degrees open doors to work as extension specialists, farm advisers, and teachers, and prepare students for international service. Students may, with prior approval of their adviser and the Master Adviser, design their own individualized specialization within the major. The specialization will consist of 4 to 6 courses with one of the courses being Animal Science 148.