Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Proposal vi
Table of contents viii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of study 2
1.2 Objective of study 3
1.3 Significant of the study 4
1.4 Scope and limitation of study 5
1.5 Limitation of study 5
1.6 Definition of study 6
2.0 Introduction 8
2.1 Meaning of marketing concept 8
2.2 Importance of marketing concept 12
2.3 Adoption process of marketing concept 16
2.4 Marketing concept adoption in non-profit making organization. 19
2.5 The component of marketing concept 21
2.6 Problem of marketing concept 22
3.0 Research methodology 30
3.1 Population / Sample size 30
3.2 Sampling method 31
3.3 Research approach 31
3.4 Data Collection 31
3.4.1 Interview 32
3.4.2 Questionnaire 33
3.5 Administering of instrument 34
3.6 Method of Data Presentation and analysis 35
4.0 Data Presentation 36
4.1 Preservation of Data 36
4.2 Data Presentation and analysis of sec. operation 37
5.0 Summary of findings 48
5.1 Conclusion 49
5.2 Recommendation 50
References 53
Marketing is a crucial human invention, it embraces the activities that we engage in to satisfy our economic needs and wont and it is therefore a universal belief that the survival and expansion of a marketing organization is largely a function.
Thus, for marketing to take place, it is necessary that the following exist.
- Two or more parities who have unsatisfied wants
- Some product or services and money be exchange
- Some means of communication between the parties involved.
Marketing can therefore be defined as all the company strategies aimed at satisfying consumer better in the day to day marketing of their good and services.
Marketing can also be defined to a lay man as the management activities creating and distributing goods and service for the satisfaction of human seeds at a profit.
Here is hardly a public on private non-profit organization that is not faced with some problems stemming from its relation to its market and to achieve with some problems stemming from its relations its market and to achieve its set goals and objectives non-profit marketing organization are faced with a number of problems of which is the application of marketing concept as related to effective strategy planning and corporate objective within the organization, the research work will therefore investigate and provide answer to the following.
- What is understood by the term marketing concept?
- Can marketing concept be practice or applied by non-marketing organization and how?
- What are the problem of applying marketing concept in an organization?
One of the objectives of any organization is profit maximization. To realize these objective, it is the responsibility of the management to formulate the necessary policies for its operation so as to enhance their attainment of the objective and such process include application of marketing concept this study will therefore find out what is meant by marketing concept.
This study will therefore find out what is means by marketing concept, what it entails and its application marketing concept may mean different things to individual and organization. It will also be shown in this write up if non-marketing organization apply marketing concept and how it is applied. When and if is only limited to marketing organization in general and see in particular in applying marketing concept in rendering their service to operators whether from the general public or their staff within or out-side the organization government and soon will be researched into.
The study will be used to the researcher because it is require in capital fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) it is also useful for future researcher into the subject.
This study will also highlight some problem and their likely solutions, which will hence beneficial to study of economic concept (SEC) in the improvement of their services to their operators and also improve the welfare of the staff and that of the general public, therefore the research works is important not just to the research as a student of marketing but to the organization concerned study of economic concept (SEC). Government, institution and the general public.