Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-v
Table of contents v
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the Problem 3
1.2 Objectives of the Study 4
1.3 Significance of The Study 4
1.4 Definition of Terms. 5
1.5 Limitation of The Study 7
1.6 Plan of The Study 7
2.0 Literature Review 9
2.1 Conceptual Definition 9
2.2 Monetary Policy in Nigeria 14
2.3 Framework For Monetary Target In Nigeria 21
2.4 Inflation Targeting 24
2.5 The Rationale For Inflation Targeting 25
2.6 Requirment For Inflation Targeting 26
3.0 Research Methodology 30
3.1 Sources of Data 30
3.2 Population of The Study 31
3.3 The Sampling Techniques 31
4.0 Data Presentation And Analysis 32
4.1 Data Presentation 32
4.2 Data Analysis 33
5.0 Summary Conclusion and Recommendations 39
5.1 Summary 39
5.2 Conclusion 41
5.3 Recommendations 42
References 44
An appraisal of the banking industry show that the industry is determined by several factors, but the most influencing of all is director factor of regulatory frame work, under which the industry operator. This framework can be divided into two broad aspects of monetary and banking.
In all economics, the conduct of both policies are normally. Originated through banking institution who play an international process, the role of bringing lender and borrows together. Though in this process, the central bank play a crucial role in determine the price of money therefore monetary policy is important by its own right from the past view of monetary economics and policy maker and in term of its impact on the economy.
Of all the tools available to the government for directing the course of economy, monetary policy has proven to be the most feasible instrument for achieving medium term stabilization objectives (CBN guideline 2003) monetary policy formulation and implement emerge on a critical government responsibility if the economy is not to be a strayed. Policy are not made for their own sake, they are directed toward achieving a desired goal over a period of time
Generally the primary objective of monetary policies concern with the discretionary control of monetary supply by the monetary authority in order to achieve the stated economy goals. The government uses the macroeconomic stabilization policy which is broad term that embraces a target family of economic policies.
These polices are designed in an attempt to change the trend of some monetary valuable in particular direction so as to include the desired behavioral change in monetary policy. The banks role is to conduct appropriate monetary policy that is consistent with the main economic objective of achieving real growth in gross domestic product low inflation rate and a stable balance of payment position. This is irrespective of whether the direct or indirect approach is put in place to control money and credit.
In this regard the CBN determine the amount of money supply that is consistent and manipulates the monetary instruments, instrument at its disposal in order to achieve the stated objective because there is a belief that there is a relationship between the variable and monetary variable.