The study investigated the impact of information technology on the operation of the Nigerian Capital Market. The study attempt to examine the implications of innovation of information technology on Nigerian Capital Market. Also, the study examined the extent to which the innovation of information technology affect registrars in Nigerian. Hence, the Nigerian Capital Market was chosen as the study area with which to carry out the research work. In order to get reliable information from the above institutions, questionnaires were distributed to the Capital Market participants and stockbrokers.
Personnel interviews were held with selected traders alike. Questionnaire were collected after responses were made, and information gathered from there were analyzed hypothesis, formulated for the research work were also tested accordingly. The findings showed that limitation in information technology significantly affect the capital market and that the introduction of computerization will not reduce the effectiveness of registrars. Based on the findings and to ensure that the objectives o computerization of the stock market is achieved, it was recommended that securities and exchange commission should find a way of making its similar, symposium and public enlightenment campaign more appealing so as to carry along the market operators and members of the investing public also, the capital market investment should be taught as a compulsory source in tertiary institutions in the country.