The economy of Nigeria cannot function properly or thrive without the micro, small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). These small scale enterprises
cannot function properly if they are not properly managed and monitored to ensure that they are successful, this concern has led us into this study of
assessing the book keeping practices of small and medium scale enterprises . The unique feature of most SMEs is that, they can be easily established since
their requirement in terms of capital, technology; management and even utilities are not as demanding as it is the case of large enterprises. Consequently,
small enterprise sector is one of the leading employers (next only to peasant agriculture) in Nigeria and has been recognized as significant sector in
employment creation, income generation, poverty alleviation and a base for industrial development. It is estimated that there are over 32 million enterprises
in the sector employing between 15 to 18 million people. Despite the enormous potential of the private sector, poor record keeping is identified as a
constraint hampering its growth in Nigeria. Businesses are unable to keep track of daily activities and banks are unwilling to lend to SMEs all due to lack of
financial information. Hence, this study seeks to investigate whether SMEs practice bookkeeping or not, and the contributions of bookkeeping to the growth
of SMEs in the Uyo in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. The study considered a total population of 400 comprising SMEs, 15 Banks as well as SMEDAN voice in the Local Government Area. Out of this figure, a simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 100 for the study. From the findings of the
study, it was revealed that, 80.7% SMEs were practicing bookkeeping and the manual system was predominantly used. The recommendations however were
that, SMEDAN must be strengthen and well resourced by government to oer
support services in the area of organizing elective training programmed for
SMEs operators. There must also be an intensive publicity in the local dialect through the mass media to sensitize SME operators on the need to maintain proper books of records.