One of the basic necessities of life which are food, shelter, water and Air is of great importance to humans most especially in public buildings where there is high traffic and congestion most of the time. Research has shown that people spend about 90 percent of their time indoor since the majority of people’s daily activities take place indoor, the atmosphere inside of public building has a major impact on the health and safety of majority of the population can actually have more damaging effects on health than pollution in the air outside. This necessitates the need for cross ventilation in public buildings because it helps to mitigate these health risks while also protecting the public buildings.
A public buildings could be church, mosque, schools, or hospital, which holds a large crow for a number of reasons and etc. and if proper care is not taking in public buildings, which is always crowded needs to be supply the occupants with good ventilation so as to prevent suffocations; and there is a needs for cross ventilation in public buildings more so, Maslow 1943 opined that cross ventilation is of paramount importance for human existences as consider the core basic needs and necessities. He further posited shelter and food security and water as essential ingredients that nourish the psychological and mental frame of mind of human, and when this basic needs are met; human beings level of productivity increases up to the next stage of quest for better living condition. According to O’ Brien 2016, ventilation is critical to home comfort. Proper ventilations prevent air pollutants from affecting the health of you and your family. Not only that having air flow in your home can get rid of any unwanted smells, such as from cooking and pets. It is also good to have an air flow that is uninterrupted, as anything blocking the air in your homes can Cause damage to both your homes and your health. In relation to the discussed, this research lingered on ascertaining and the assessment of cross ventilation in public buildings.
According to Pultar 1999, the architectural space and circulation, carefully designed and planned space make architecture what it is, the space that we live in move through and use.