Education is one of the greatest investments any nation makes to assure her future in terms of economic, socio-cultural and political development. Its importance in translating the future of great nations cannot be overemphasized. That is why every government in our contemporary world makes it a fundamental obligation to provide education for its citizens. The Longman Dictionary defines Education as “the result of the teaching or the training of mind and character” Education apart from inculcating knowledge is also aimed at formulation of character. Education is the formulation of the human person in view of the person‟s final end and the dignity of the society. Education at all levels seeks to draw out the good potential in people, to replace error with truth, ignorance and incompetence with knowledge and competence. Furthermore, education leads to wisdom and discipline which constitute the foundation of human happiness. Education all over the world is expected to produce effective, honest and disciplined citizens.
However, discipline which is the hallmark of our educational system before could be said to be at its lowest ebb in many of our educational institutions today. Students Indiscipline manifest itself in different forms such as dishonesty, lack of respect and consideration for elders and constituted authority, rudeness, absenteeism, lateness to class, examination malpractices, drunkenness, drug abuse, sexual immorality, cultism among others. Indecent appearance has come to characterize the dress pattern of many students on the campuses of higher learning in Nigeria. There is hardly any higher institution of learning in this country that is not faced with this nauseating problem. The way students on these campuses of learning particularly, the female ones, dress seductively leaves much to be desired. What the girls call skirts that they wear is just “one inch” longer than their pants. When they put on such dresses, they struggle to sit down, find difficulty in climbing machines, cross gutters as well as pick anything from the ground. Apart from the skimpy and tight fitting nature of these dresses, they are again transparent; revealing certain parts of the bodies that under normal dressing patterns ought to be hidden away from the glare of people. Indecent dressing is a social problem in the society but it is common among our youths. Dressing has lost most of its values in our society. Certain styles of dressing are now a serious threat to our societal cultural values. The menace of indecent dressing is gradually becoming a norm and that which African society is known for, is gradually fading away. It is now becoming a custom that some people do not see anything wrong in dressing seductively. Some forms of indecent dressing are products of modeling top movie stars. Sometimes, these movie stars dress to complement the parts they play in a movie. As it is today, our girls are known for putting on very short skirts, towel-like linens which barely covered their breasts, leaving the rest of the body untended. Most people put on scandal dresses like sagging, trousers, show-breast and show-belly.