1.0 Introduction
An organization requires a system which is dedicated to facilitate and expedite the work process to increase efficiency and productivity of the organization. Tie existence of a good system, systematic and safe requires the management organization to oversee all information management effectively.
A system should be analyzed and designed to ensure future implementation of the system is easily understand by the end users. Automated Pharmacy Management System, a web-based or online pharmacy record system is equipped with the automated record features. It will remind the administrator (Pharmacist Officer) about the list of the drug that reached the minimum quantity and it also support reminder for prescription of drugs made for customers. The web based system which is implementing in web-based pharmacy record system is suitable to be used for rural clinic to keep records of drug and other business routines through an online system. For administrator page, admin can access all records related to drug stock and related information in the user equipment to store and update if there are any changes to be made.
1.1 Theoretical Background
Griffin, R. M. (October 2010). Pharmacy automation involves the mechanical processes of handling and distributing medications. Any pharmacy task may be involved, including counting small objects (e.g., tablets, capsules); measuring and mixing powders and liquids for compounding; tracking and updating customer information in databases (e.g., personally identifiable information (PII), medical history, drug interaction risk detection); and inventory management. This article focuses on the changes that have taken place in the local, or community Pharmacy since the 1960s.