Business organizations need planning to achieve their aims and objective. It thorough planning in an organization cannot be done without involving the act of budgeting. The management has the purpose of providing a feed – foreword process. The concept of feed-forward process in to provide each manager with guideline for making operation decision on a day –to- day basic. Budgeting deals with plans and monitoring activities to ascertain whether they conform to the plans. This is the control and coordination aspect of budgeting. Manufacturing industries can only achieve profit maximization by proper planned use of available resource. This is sustained when different activities are efficiently coordinated, and decisions taken in the organization are result oriented. Business organization requires the use of some techniques in the formula and adoption of planned and defined system and tools with a view to achiever set goals. Such tools and systems include budgetary variance analysis and budgetary control.
The process of setting goals to be achieve in the future time and determining how these goals are to be reached is described as PLANING, while the process of translating this planning into financial target can be described as BUDGETING. Reg, H. Garrison, in his opinion, defined budget, thus, a budget is a detailed plan showing how resources will be require and used over some specify time interval. It repented a plan for the future expressed in a formal qualitative terms. The act of preperating a budget is called budgeting. The use of budget to control a firms activities is known as budgeting control ‘’. This project is organized in five chapters, which aimed at finding out the budget process used achieving the goals of a typical. Manufacturing, industry with profit maximization as its main objective with center focuses in Nigerian breweries plc Enugu. Chapter one is an introduction to the study concerning such issues as: 1. Statement of problem 2. Purpose of the study 3. Statement of hypothesis 4. Research question 5. Scope and limitation of the study 6. Significant of the study 7. Definition of terms