Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
Table of content vi
Chapter one
- Introduction 1
- Background of the study
- Statement of the problems 4
- Purpose pf the study 5
- Research questions 6
- Significance of the study 6
- Scope of the study 7
Chapter two
- Review of related literature 8
- The concept of dissatisfaction
- Lack of modern office facilities in organizations 11
- Effect of uncomfortable environments 13
- Some minor jobs which secretaries are
reduced to undertake by their bosses 14
- Adequate languages secretaries lack that limit
their jobs 16
- Summary of literature reviewed 18
Chapter three
- Research methodology 20
- Design of the study 20
- Area of the study 20
- Population of the study 21
- Sample/sampling techniques 21
- instrument for data collection 21
- Method of data collection 23
- Method of data analysis 23
- Decision rule 24
Chapter four
- Presentation and analysis of data 25
- Research question 1 25
- Research question 2 28
- Research question 3 29
- Research question 4 31
- Research question 5 32
- Discussion of findings 34
Chapter five
- Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations 37
- Restatement of the problems 37
- Summary of findings 38
- Conclusion 40
- Recommendations 41
- limitation of the study 42
- Implication for further research 43
- Suggestion for further research 44
References 45
Appendix I 47
Appendix II 52
Appendix III 54
Appendix IV 55
Appendix V 56
Appendix VI 57
This research work was deigned to find out the causes and remedies to job dissatisfaction among secretaries in selected private and government establishments in Imo state. Seventy (70) of the secretaries were used as the sample of the study. The instrument for data collection used was the questionnaire, which consists of 5 research questions. The result of the study showed that job dissatisfaction emanated from secretary’s job relationship and environment and have a lot of effects to secretaries but could be managed when a clear job descriptions and definition are made. Conclusions were based on the result of the findings while recommendations were proffered based on the conclusions drawn from the findings.
1.1 Background of the Study
The dream of every establishment is to achieve its set out goals, therefore, employers need secretaries who will give them the best of their services and the secretaries also need to employers who will satisfy their purpose of employment.
Whenever this set out goal and objective are lacking , it result to job dissatisfaction.
Okereke (2003) stated that, may boss? Today do not realise that the secretarial service go a long way in helping them perform their duty. They felt that they can work effectively without the secretary. This bring about anxiety and dissatisfaction to some secretaries hence they would want to change to other profession.
Therefore, a secretary is supposed to be provided with an atmosphere that would encourage and stimulate maximum efficiency and satisfaction. The average secretaries will be happy to have their area of responsibility and authorities overlapped because of lack of proper definition, it creates unnecessary conflicts, stress and dissatisfaction which retard productivity in any establishment.
Isiaku (2009), stated that offices and its appearance, condition of work, job security, materials available and their location, medical care, relationship among the members of staff, the employee remuneration and other social welfare are recognized to be the main element in every organisation.
The nature of work environment invariably, has direct effect on the morale and states of healthy of secretary, hence his general performance in the discharge of his duties is highly determined by office environment.
Secretary as the image of every organisation needs to be motivated in intrinsic and extrininsic measure.
Ohakwe(2012), was of the view that motivation is an inner drive that activate actions. In a work situation, where motivation is lacking, one would expect secretaries to dislike their work, avoid responsibility, have no interest in organisational goal, resist change, thus creating a self –fulfilling properly which result in job dissatisfaction.
- Statements of the Problem
A secretary is someone to whom an absolute confidence is reposed on and who is expected to carry out his duty effectively with no or less supervision. He is the image projector of very organisation in both private and Government establishment.
It was found out that secretaries are been felt dissatisfied when there needs are not met, Therefore there is concerted effort by the Government and the organised private sector to enhance the performance of secretary by dictating those factors that result in Jib dissatisfaction. Is the dissatisfaction as a result of uncomfortable environment or human error was it lack of adequate language. Is it lack of modern office equipment.
- Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to determine the causes and remedies to job dissatisfaction among secretaries in selected private and government establishments in Imo state specifically, this study will attempt to:
- Discuss the concept of dissatisfaction
- Identify those facilities secretaries lack in the organization.
- Determine the uncomfortable environments where secretaries are kept in some organizations.
- Identify various menial jobs which secretaries are reduced to undertake by their bosses.
- Identify those adequate languages secretaries lack that limit their jobs in the offices.
- Identify those human error that limit secretaries to perform so effectively.