2.1 Literature Review
In a research work of this magnitude, there ought to be existing work in the form of literatures to assist the researcher. But
unfortunately there are quite a few. However, this research work with the existing literature in this area of study will add to the existing work on the subject matter.
2.2 Child Abuse and its Causes in Nigeria
Different forms of child abuse have characterized the history of hitherto existing society. Viewed from the western matrix, child abuse extends to several maltreatment children; mostly with regards to functions relating to certain responsibilities as child labour either in the form of “framework” “street hawking”, which many children in African embark upon as an acquired work role in an extended family system. But however, this study basically is on child hawking, as it affect
educational development of the child. One aspect of child maltreatment which has attracted serious attention of researchers (Gill 2000 and Abbee, 2000) is physical abuse It then follows that the whom issue of child hawking requires a thorough assessment for the purpose of justification of terms, C.P Ekpe and Bowls (2006) saw child hawking and neglect as acts consisting of commission or omission, which interfere with the chance to develop their normal potentials as human beings. He went further to itemized child hawking as that which implies physical or mental injury, negligent treatment or maltreatment. In this case the child suers from lack of attention by parent manifested by malnutrition and lack of stimulation, Chris postulated that any definition of child abuse should take cognizance of the form of abuse including physical assault, psychological or emotional and sexual abuse. Ewuruigwe and Naidu (2008) have discovered that there is a direct relationship between child hawking and poverty. They found out that the need for survival oen pushes some children to secure employment outside the home. According to Naidu (2004) poverty and irregularity are the major causes of child hawking that of other factor of child labour like psychological, social and cultural factors are interdependence with the economic system in which these factor operate, “Ewuruijwe (1998) identified the causes of child hawking that all other factors of child labour like psychological, social and cultural factors are interdependent with the economic system in which these factors operate.” Ewuruigwe (1998) identified the causes of child hawking in a
number of factors. In his words poverty, the interesting of global network capitalism, shiing family structure, the nature of the state and mode of production as well as religion.
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