Joshoyin (2007) define collective bargaining as a machinery for discussion and negotiation whether formal or informal, between employer(s) and workers, representatives, aimed at reaching mutual agreement or understanding on the employers and the worker, according to Glueck (1982) collective bargaining
implies the right, not only to disagree but to express such disappointment collective bargaining which refers to the joint negotiation of term of employment of their representative which the life blood of trade union that constitutes joint consultation that call the forum discussing issues of mutual interest between
workers and the employers. To establish the principle of collective bargaining as the basis of relationship between the employer require a strong and well organized trade union movement which involves the various levels of organization, industries and national level (include the Nigeria Labour Congress).
In accordance with the Article 2 of international labour organization (ILO) convention No. 154, the principle of collective bargaining is the process of determining working conditions or terms of employment regulating relation between employer and workers, regulating between employers or the organization and worker organizations.
The federal ministry of employment, labour and productivity see the concept of bargaining as a negotiation about working conditions and terms of employment between an employer, a group of employer, or one or more employer and one or more representative of workers organization with a view to reaching agreement, collective bargaining on the other hand is a machinery for discussion and negotiation whether formal or internal between employers and worker(s) and workers representatives aimed at reaching mutual agreement or understanding on the general employment relationship between the employer(s) and workers. The conclusion and an agreement is necessary determinant of collective bargaining thus, the labour act of 1974 defines it as the process of arriving at attempting to arrive at, a collective agreement.
The following pre-requisites are recognized in any collective bargaining according to Attach (1992).
- The parties must attain a sufficient degree of organization
- They must posses the necessary skills to manage the intricacies of bargaining process
- They must be ready to enter agreement with each other within framework of the machinery established the purpose
Collective bargaining concluded must be observed by those to whom they apply Deadlock should be recognized as an indication of failure on both sides In assessing the viability or otherwise of the collective bargaining process in Nigeria, we must use the four criteria stated above on the basis of these, our judgment is that collective bargaining seems to have a viable future in Nigeria. The changes that have occurred in labour laws and the system of industrial relations since 1973 have by and large, resulted in these conditions being satisfied, the trade union have been restricted in these conditions bargain satisfied, the trade union have been restructured along industrial liner with vastly improved strength and status and have a reasonable degree of parity of bargaining power with the employers, secondly there has been a remarkable growth of counterpart employers association willing and able to negotiate in good faith and who have in fact entered into procedural agreement with trade unions as the framework for voluntary collective bargaining.
Thirdly, under the trade Dispute Act 1976, collective bargaining is made pre-requisite for the settlement of trade disputes, finally with the improvement of the primary and secondary school system during the last twenty years, most workers are literate and therefore are able to have better appreciation of the issues at stake in collective bargaining.
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