1.1. Background of the Study
The emphasis on multi-sectoral approaches to solving the problems of poverty, and other human development challenges in the developing societies of the world has become the emerging trend since the turn of the new millennium. This paradigm shi is influenced by the premises that the resources available at the disposal of the government is inadequate to cater for the enormous challenges facing mankind in his social environment. This therefore means, the government, the private sector, community and other relevant stakeholders must partner and collaborate. This new approach has been described by development a lists as Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach to addressing the human development challenges in the society. It is within the context of the above that the whole concept of community participation in the running of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme of the federal government came into being. Community participation in the delivery of Basic Education Programme simply means the active involvement and participation of the members of the communities where schools are located in the management and implementation of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme as envisaged by the government. The essence of this participation and involvement of the communities is to elicit the spirit of commitment and ensure project sustainability and eventual ownership of the project and school. The concept of community participation in the provision of social services has been described as botton-up approach to development. According to Egwu (2004), it is an evolving concept which builds on community resources, expertise, supplies and the best way to utilize the development Latent Potentials which are abundant in the communities.
The Universal Basic Education Programme of the federal government was a brain-child of the Chief Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration on assumption of office as President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1999. The programme was launched in Sokoto State in 1999 by former President Obasanjo in 1999.