Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements iv
Table of contents v
List of tables vii
List of figure viii
List of abbreviation ix
Abstract x
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Justification of the Study 4
1.3 Aims and Objectives 4
2.1 Crop Description 5
2.2 Classification of Telferia occidentalis 7
- Economic Importance of Telfaria occidentalis 7
2.4 Nutritional value of Telfairia occidentalis 8
2.5 Medicinal Value of Telfairia occidentalis. 9
3.1 Plant Materials 10
3.2 Study Area 10
3.3 Collection of samples 10
3.4 Land Preparation and Planting 17
3.5 Layout of Experiment 11
3.6 Experimental Design and layout 12
3.7 Data collection and statistical analysis 13
4.1 Results 14
4.1. Influence of natural plant growth and synthetic PAA on the number
of male and female flowers sex expression in Telfaria occidentalis 14
4.1.2 Influence of natural plant growth regulators and synthetic
PAA on the growth attributes of Telfaria occidentalis Cultivars 16
4.1.3 Influence of natural plant growth regulators and synthetic
PAA on the yield attributes of Telfaria occidentalis Cultivars 19
4.2 Discussion 22
5.1 Summary 25
- Conclusion 26
5.3 Recommendation 26
Experiment was carried out study was conducted from January to August, 2021 to ascertain the influence of natural (Neem leaf ashes and palm fruit bunch ashes) and a synthetic (Phenyl Acetic Acid) plant growth regulators on sex expression as well as on the growth and yield attributes of Telfaria occidetalis (EN2018-1, EN2018-2 and EN2018-3) genotypes sourced from NIHORT, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The test crops was cultivated in the plastic bags containing 3 kg of sterilized soil and applied with 100 g of plant growth regulators of neem leaf ashes, palm fruit bunch ashes and 100 ml of phenyl acetic acid (PAA) in a completely randomized design (CRD) experimental layout.. The experiment was a two factor experimental design. Factor one was the Telfaria occidentalis genotypes with three levels (EN2018-1; EN2018-2 and EN2018-3) while factor two was the different growth regulators used with three levels (Neem leaf ashes, palm fruit bunch ashes and phenyl acetic acid). This gave a total treatment combination of 9 which was replicated thrice to give a total of 27 experimental units. All routine agronomic practices on Telfaria occidentalis vegetable cultivation were maintained during the experiment and data was collected at two weeks interval for the growth attributes of vine length, number of leaves per plant, leaf lengths, leaf width, internode length and leaf area. Data for yield components were collected at maturity for days to flower initiation,, number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plants and fresh weight. Data generated from the study were collated and subjected to statistical analysis using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures and significant treatment means were further separated using the Fishers’ least significance difference test at 5 percent probability level. The results indicated that the natural plant growth regulators significantly influence flower sex expression on the average (32 males and 115 females flowers) growth attributes showed that vine length ranged from 98.50±0.57 cm in EN2018-3 treated with PAA to 169.00±0.88 cm in EN2018-2 treated with Neem leaf ashes, while number of seeds per pod varied (p<0.05) significantly and ranged between 53.32±0.34 in EN2018-1 treated with PAA to 95.30±0.67 seeds in EN2018-2 treated with palm fruit bunch ashes. The natural plant growth regulators competed favourably with the synthetic PAA and thus can be a very good substitute to reduce the environmental hazards associated with the use of synthetic chemicals on non- target organism and environment. Neem leaf ashes and PAA was found to enhanced the highest number of female sex flowers development compared to palm fruit bunch ashes. Based on the result and findings from the present study, it could be recommended that neem leaf ashes plant growth regulator is essential for increased sex expression for females plants, increased growth and yield performance in Telfaria occidentalis. Therefore neem leaf ashes growth regulator is essential for increased productivity of the leafy vegetable as well as ensuring food security for our nation.
1.1 Background of the Study
The importance of leafy vegetables in the nutritional requirements of humans and animals has created a heightened need for seeking for means of increasing it productivity and adaptability especially in the rainforest agroecological zone of Nigeria where Telfariaoccidentalis has remained a household leafy vegetable for the preparation of local delicacies like ‘Edikang ikong’, ‘Ofe ugwu’ ‘Ekpang Kukwo’, Anyan Ekpang among others. Telfariaoccidentalis is widely eaten in Nigeria especially in the rain forest agro-ecological zone where it is highly cultivated for it edible succulent shoots, tender vines, leaves and seeds.