This research work centers on the contraception and sexuality among undergraduates in College of Education Ekiadolor in Ovia North East Local Government Area. From the findings, most undergraduates are involved in sexuality. They have knowledge of sex education, some use contraception like condoms and they do not believe in total abstinence before marriage. Recommendations made included special programmes to improve parent’s awareness of undergraduate’s sexual behaviour and reproductive health needs. Parents also need to discuss sex related issued with their children/wards.
1.1 Background to Study
Sexuality and contraception among students can be seen to be a public health problem of immediate concern in developed and underdeveloped countries. While the knowledge of HIV/AIDS as an inevitable disease is high among Nigerians in general, HIV/AIDS transmission in reduction measures is inconsistently taken by sexually active individuals. The youths and adolescents are those that have high risk of being affected with STDS, if contraceptives are not used correctly or avoided, because the youths are vulnerable to indiscriminate sexual intercourse, with multiple sex partners.
Heterosexual transmission accounts for as high as 90% of HIV/AUIDS in Sub-Saharan African where about 14 million people were estimated to be infected with HIV. The federal ministry of Health and Human Services (FMH & HS 1992) in Nigeria suggested that about one million HIV infected people exist. This prevalence is increasing due to high risk of sexual behaviours. These STDS diseases are mostly common among individuals younger than 25 years world-wide. Several educators have shown that young people lack knowledge about prevention and the use of contraception and often have little or no idea about reproduction. Pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease among students is very rampant among undergraduate. Most of these pregnancies are unplanned and unwanted. They are often terminated illegally by quark doctors in the dark. About 600,000 clandestine abortions took place in Nigeria in the 1980s some of which had disasters consequences for the abortion seekers (African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2002). In most parts of Nigeria, sexual abstinence before marriage is expected from unmarried youths. However, studies show that premarital activity is high among adolescents. Parents, government and NGOS have expressed serious concerns about adolescents. Sexual activity based on the board information that adolescent who engaged in sexual activity whether orally or otherwise often fail to use contraceptives thus, exposing themselves to the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
The lower age limit for admission into most Nigeria higher institutions is 16-18 years. This means that majority of undergraduates are in their late teens and early twenties. Most of them live away from home, in school hostels and rented apartments close to their institutions. These arrangements weaken parental control and supervision of student’s activities. They are often exposed to influences from friends, which encourage casual sexual relationship and have to take personal important decisions about their social and reproductive lives. Unfortunately the use of contraceptives among Nigeria students is very low due to the fear of side effects and negative cultural attitudes of parents/guardians to contraceptive use.
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