We have studied the variability of Cosmic rays flux during solar quiet days at mid and high latitudes. By using the five (5) quietest days for each month, the monthly mean diurnal variation of cosmic ray anisotropy have been derived for the period 1981-2007, which covers part of cycles 21, 22 and 23. These quiet days are days during which the sun is relatively magnetically quiet, leading to less anisotropic behavior in the diurnal flux of cosmic rays measured on the earth’s surface. Four stations (Rome, Oulu, Inuvik and Thule) were used in this study to understand the important features of the high latitude and mid-latitude diurnal wave, and how solar and geomagnetic activity may be influencing the wave characteristics. Cosmic ray wave characteristics were obtained by discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The mean, diurnal amplitude, phase and dispersion for each month’s diurnal wave were calculated and profiled. There was clear indication that the terrestrial effect on the variability of the monthly mean was more associated with geomagnetic activity rather than rigidity of the cosmic rays. Correlation of the time series of these wave characteristics with solar and geomagnetic activity index showed better association with solar activity.
Cosmic rays are high-energy charged particles originating mainly from the outer space. They travel at nearly the speed of light and strike the earth from all directions. Most cosmic rays are nuclei of atoms ranging from the lightest to the heaviest elements in the periodic table. Cosmic rays also include high energy electrons, positrons and other subatomic particles. There are broadly three types of cosmic rays; solar cosmic rays (SCRs), galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs). SCRs originate from the sun and have energy within the range (kilo-electron volt) KeV < 10 to 100 MeV (Mega-electron volt) occasionally reaching 1GeV (Giga-electron volt). GCRs originate from supernovae explosions. They have energy within the range 100MeV < E < 10GeV. ACRs originate from neutral interstellar atoms that have been ionized by solar UV radiation after entering the heliosphere. They have energies of 107 – 108 eV. Cosmic rays attract great interest due to the damage they inflict on electronics and life outside the protection of an atmosphere and a magnetic field, they also provide important channels for astrophysical information.
Cosmic rays were discovered in 1912 by Victor Hess when he found that an electroscope discharged more rapidly as he ascended in a balloon. He attributed this to a source of radiation entering the atmosphere from above and in 1936 was awarded a noble prize in physics for his discovery. For some time it was believed that the radiation was electromagnetic in nature (hence the name cosmic “ray”) and some textbooks still incorrectly include cosmic rays as part of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, during the 1930’s it was found that cosmic rays must be electrically charged because they are affected by the earth’s magnetic field.
From the 1930s to the 1950s before man-made particle accelerators reached very high energies, cosmic rays served as source of particles for high energy physics investigations which led to the discovery of subatomic particles that included the positron and muon. Some of these applications have continued ever with the dawn of space age. The main focus of cosmic ray research has been directed towards astrophysical investigations of where cosmic rays originate, how they get accelerated to such high velocities, what role they play in the dynamics of the galaxy and what their composition tells us about matter from outside the solar system. To measure cosmic rays count rate before they have been slowed down and broken up by the atmosphere, research is carried out by instruments mounted on spacecraft and high altitude balloons, using particle detectors similar to those used in nuclear and high energy physics experiments.
Cosmic rays include essentially all of the elements in the periodic table; about 89% of the nuclei are hydrogen (protons), 10% helium and about 1% other heavier elements. The common heavier elements (such as carbon, oxygen, magnesium, silicon and iron) are present in similar relative abundances as in the solar system but there are important differences in elemental and isotopic composition that provide information on the origin and history of galactic cosmic rays. For example, there is a significant overabundance of the rare elements Li, Be and B produced when heavier cosmic rays such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen disintegrate into lighter nuclei during collisions with the interstellar gas. The isotope 22Ne is also overabundant, showing that the nucleosynthesis of cosmic rays and solar system material differ.
Just as cosmic rays are deflected by the magnetic field in interstellar space, they are also affected by the interplanetary magnetic field embedded in the solar wind (the plasma of ions and electrons blowing from the solar corona at about 400km/sec) and therefore have difficulty reaching the inner solar system. Spacecrafts (e.g. voyager 1 and 2) venturing out towards the boundary of the solar system has found that the intensity of galactic cosmic rays increases with distance from the sun. As solar activity varies over the 11-year solar cycle the intensity of cosmic rays at Earth also varies in anti-correlation with the sunspot number.
The sun is also a sporadic source of cosmic ray nuclei and electrons that are accelerated by shock waves traveling through the corona as solar flares thereby releasing magnetic energy; during such occurrences, the intensity of energetic particles in space can increase by a factor of 102 to 106. Such solar particle events are much more frequent during the active phase of the solar cycle. The maximum energy reached in solar particle events is typically 10 to 100MeV, occasionally reaching 1GeV (approximately once a year) to 10GeV (approximately once a decade). Solar energetic particles can be used to measure the elemental and isotopic composition of the sun, thereby complementing spectroscopic studies of solar material.
When high energy cosmic rays undergo collisions with atoms of the upper atmosphere, they produce a cascade of “secondary” particles that shower down through the atmosphere to the earth’s surface. Secondary cosmic rays include pions (which quickly decay to produce muons, neutrinos and gamma rays), as well as electrons and positrons produced by muon decay and gamma ray interaction with atmospheric atoms. The number of particles reaching the Earth’s surface is directly related to the energy of the cosmic ray that strikes the upper atmosphere as low energy cosmic rays are blocked off by the atmosphere. Cosmic rays with energies beyond 1014eV are studied with large “air shower” arrays of detectors distributed over many square kilometres that sample the particles produced. The frequency of air showers ranges from about 100 per m2 for a year with energies > 1015eV to only about 1 per km2 for a century with energies beyond 1020eV.