The study dealt on the effectiveness of auditing and accountability in the National drug agency. The rapid
development of financial management initiative in National drug agency and financial control has led to the need for
improved performance measurement, reporting and individual accountability. The researcher tested five hypotheses
which stability results mat states that. An audited work must be independently examined, opinions must be expressed
by a qualified and appointed auditor in pursuance/compliance with the relevant statutory obligations; that an auditor
must posses the expected qualities the auditor generates office is a watching of public fund and as such, government
must be appropriately configured. Based on this finding the researcher recommended that government should at all
level employ professional accountants to ensure that funds are expanded in accordance with the terms by which they
are appropriated while auditors should conduct their activity independently in order to protect the interest of the public. Thus, with integrity and in full compliance with the law guiding their profession.
The term audit is derived from the latin verb “audire”, which means to hear the origin of audit allowed tenant
former to work on their land owners themselves, did not become involved in the business of farming. The land owners
relied upon overseer who “listened” to the account of stewardship given by the tenants. Oaring this period till date,
and with reference to the companies and allied matters act of 2004, the word “audit” is described as:
The independent examination of and expression of opinion on the financial statements of an enterprise why
an appointed auditor I pursuance of that appointment and in compliance with any relent statutory. In order to form an
opinion as to the accuracy, truth and fairness of such account.
The business world prior to industrial revolution in the 19th century till present day, has witnessed a lot of changes
and developments. In the early economic development, the mode of recording and analyzing of accounting dates was
by manual means. Auditing during this time was orally because the business of writing was get to develop. The
modernization of in the business world led to the areas where writing and recording analysis evolved with the use of
some electro-mechanical.
Accountability on the other hand is the obligation to answer for a responsibility that has been concerned, (the
2006). During the era when accounting system evolved, the business transition which took placed to be recorded,
analysis and based on the principles, methods and procedures laid down by the accounting profession. Also certain
development which occurred, gave rise to the right to examine the books and to obtain all the information and
explanation necessary for giving a report on the truth and correctness of the business sheet. In view of this auditing
was redefined according to (CAMA 2004) as an exercise whose objective is to enable auditors express on opinion on
whether the financial statement gives a true and fair view of the entities affairs at the period and of its profit and loss
for the period than ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with greater emphasis placed on the
information value of the business balance sheet and prospective investor becoming increasing conscious of the need
for the rejection of error and fund was regarded as the province of the business management. These developments
further gave rise to the owner of the business. Which in turn led to the emergence of the financial statement
legislation and recognition of auditing. As required by the company’s act, the audited is meant to provide a written
report, expressing their opinion regarding the freeness and “fairness” of words, auditing both in the past and at
present is fanned at enquiring that the stewardship account being centered to owners of business is a time
representation of the event that took place. Also development in the business coupled with technological
breakthrough led to the advent of electronic data processing business dates.
This, in the world of business implies the computerization of accounting system which still demands that
auditors should perform their role as opinionist. Based on this, the question that strike one’s mind could effective
auditing lead to proper accountability has it origin in stewardship accounting (especially in the state government
system). The function which accounting serves in the earliest times of our society is providing owners of wealth, the
means of safe guarding it from embezzlement as noted by Smith (2007).
The concept auditing and accountability has been relegated to the background in the National drug agency. In spite
its importance the further of the National drug agency lies in its auditing and accounting. Auditors perform important
function in those aspects of government that are crucial for promoting credibility, equity and appropriate behaviour of government officials which reduces the important roles auditing and accountability plays some problem are still left unsolved and new one have been created by the audit activities itself hence problem like
i. Misapplication of audit report towards management decision.
ii. Poor allocation of owners resources and national drug agency administration.
iii. Non segregation of functional duties
iv. Financial impropriety in the National drug agency as a result of inefficient auditing and accounting.
v. These and many more problems are faces by the Nigeria National drug agency and enterprises.