Cover page
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objectives of Study
1.4 Benefits of the Study
1.5 Research Motivation
1.6 Aim of Study
1.7 Significance of Study
1.8 Scope of Study
1.9 Limitations of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms
Chapter two
Literature review
2.0 Overview
2.1 An Overview of the Leave Policy
2.1.1 Categories of Leave
2.1.2 Description of Different Types of Leave
2.2 Literature Reviews on Related Work
2.3 Absentee System (AMS)
2.3.2 Commitment to Attendance
2.3.3 Attendance and Leave Management System
2.4 Review of Possible Development Tools
2.4.1 Back-end Technology
2.5 Review of Similar Systems
2.6 Summary
Chapter three
Methodology, System design and analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 New Concepts
3.1.2 New Constraints
3.2 Overview of the Proposed System
3.3 Structuring the Proposed System: Process Modelling
Data Flow Diagram
Context Diagram
3.4 Development phase – System Design Waterfall model
3.5 Project Environment
3.6 System Architecture
3.7 Database design model
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Program language justification
4.3.1 Hardware requirements
4.3.2 Software Requirements
4.4 System Implementation
4.4.1 Entity Relationships
4.4.2 Implementation of the Tables
4.4.3 Design of the User Interface
4.5 Research Result
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
Aladumo International Schools is using a complete automated system for all of its banking sections including General
Banking, Credit and finance, Cash and Foreign Trade. But their Leave Management System is totally manual and it
takes a long time to process a leave request. In the current system a leave application has to go through a long chain
of officials and as a result, several times the competent authorities get manipulated information. While working in the
institution as an intern I have analyzed the current Leave Management System and tried to find out the problems of
the system, and now proposed a new system to solve the identified problems. I introduced some new concepts and
constraints while developing the proposed solution. The proposed system will minimize the paperwork. Moreover, it
will help management in decision making as they will get up-to-date reports. While implementing the system, I will use
MySQL for the database and PHP along with HTML as the front end development tools. I believe, the proposed system will make the leave associated activities easier and will also save time and energy.
EMS – Employee Management System
MSS – Management Self-Service
HRMS – Human Resource Management System
HRIS – Human Resource Information System
HR – Human Resource
HOD – Head of Department
ESS – Employee Self-Service
WBS – Work Breakdown Structure
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning
1.0 Introduction
With the ascent of Globalization, it has gotten to be vital to discover a less demanding and more compelling system to
help an association. Despite this, there are still a few foundations that utilize the way our forefathers would have done
it. In a certain manner, one thing that is still handled physically is the leave management system. In advanced times, there are numerous sorts of leave accessible to parts of staff of an association e.g. yearly leave, easy leave, study
leave and a lot of people more. A ton of time and assets are allotted in dealing with this sort of system particularly
when overseen physically.
Nucleus, (2011). Nucleus Research is one of the main examination foundation went for measuring the estimation of
innovation. In one of its production “Leave management cutting cost”, the profits of having an automated leave
management system were illustrated.
Leave management system is an electronic online stage that circles all sort of leave applications and leave regard,
and the methodology to record numerous types of leaves (Nurul, 2008). This system can be utilized to automate the
work process of leave applications and their endorsements. It is straightforward and simple to utilize a system that
dispenses with paper work, spares time and cash.
1.1 Background of Study
The Office of Human Resources at Aladumo International Schools contributes to the institutional mission of public
service by facilitating informed decision making regarding employee benefits by providing accurate, timely, accessible
information. Of the many benefits available to the employees, leave is one of the most valuable.
Aladumo International Schools is a co-educational institution established in 1987 with a population of twenty-four 24
pupils. The school has grown since then and has a crèche, a pre-nursery, a nursery, a primary and a high school
which have become known for excellence in character and learning.
Our pupils and students are nurtured and trained to excel in academics and other areas. They are helped to develop
into independent and responsible citizens. Students of Aladumo are consistently motivated to develop the all
important passion for learning.
The school has a long list of achievements/successes in local, national and international competitions. Recently, two
of our pupils came tops in a mathematics competition organized by the National Association Mathematics and thus,
qualified to represent Nigeria in an international Mathematics and Science Olympiad in Indonesia. Please see our
Record of Achievements for more info.
The school was founded and established by Rev. (Dr) Favour Ingor Ogan, a seasoned and renowned educationist.
She held several positions in the Rivers State Ministry of Education as an English Teacher, Principal, Chief Inspector
of Education and commissioner. For over 20 years, she has invested her wealth of experience in this establishment.