This study was carried out to verify all the manual process involved in generating Students Examination Result and to seek a way of automating the system for effective operations. Since there is continuous moves towards technological advances that enhanced productivity of labor and free human beings of task more economically by machines. Computer and its appreciations have become vital tools in economic, industrial and social development of advanced countries of the world. This system is designed to efficiently handle processes like inputting scores, storing results, classifying the grade points automatically calculated, and interpreting data of students overall result. The usual manual process now reached a level where it is difficult for the available man power to cope with the magnitude of examination work, in the given time span; The in balance between the man power availability and the magnitude of the examination work result in the delay in the declaration of results. The most effective measure, with can improve the efficiency of the examination system, therefore the introduction of computerization especially with the use of Examination Result Processing Software in various activities related to the conduct of result reduces the span required for the declaration of results by 60 percent and reduces the process by almost 50 percent.
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