The tremendous impact of electronic technology (like computer and computer embedded devices, computer networking, artificial intelligence, multimedia among others) on the human psychological capabilities productivity, intellectuality and other human related activities are very obvious. The quest and virtual implementation of computer in all the fields of human endeavor increases with its inevitable impact, these impacts are on its increase due to the need for high quality and timely response. Therefore, this project titled, “Design and implementation of e-learning platforms for an introduction to C++ programming language”, is aimed at exploring and incorporating some of these sophisticated technologies for the development of electronic tutorial materials. This work examines and explains the step-by-step procedure for accomplishing the development of the proposed software products, the attainment of the goals and necessary requirement for their implementation. It considers and discusses the impact of the proposed products on the targeted end-users. This project is implemented using HTML, Microsoft and SQL Server for the online learning platform tutorial application package, and an e-book.
Fish farming or pisciculture is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall under mariculture. Fish farming involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures, usually for food. A facility that releases juvenile fish into the wild for recreational fishing or to supplement a species’ natural numbers is generally referred to as a fish hatchery. Worldwide, the most important fish species used in fish farming are carp, salmon, tilapia and catfish. The Nigerian fishing industry comprises of three major sub sectors namely the artisanal, industrial and aquaculture. The awareness on the potential of aquaculture to contribute to domestic fish production has continued to increase in the country. This stems from the need to meet the much needed fish for domestic production and export. Fish species which are commonly cultured include Tilapia spp, Heterobranchus bodorsalis, Clarias gariepinus, Mugie spp, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Heterotis niloticus, Ophiocephalus obscure, Cyprinus carpio and Megalospp. Fish culture is done in enclosures such as tanks.The aquaculture sub sector contributes between 0.5% and 1% to Nigeria’s domestic fish production.